He was sure the other guy could too. That might draw him out, make him desperate.

It did, only not in the way Decker was expecting.

A blur came out of nowhere, leaping through the air and landing on top of him before he had a chance to fire.

The pair rolled around on the floor, struggling for the upper hand. Decker collapsed on top of the guy, trying to use his far heavier weight to crush him. He felt something on his face and realized it was the other man’s blood.

Then a wedge of elbow slammed into the side of his face, stunning him.

He gripped the man’s chin with his hand and forced it back, trying to take the neck to a place necks were not designed to go.

He had not accounted for the man’s other hand, though. The fist hit him once and then twice, both pummeling shots. Decker’s grip was broken and he was forced to roll off the guy.

He saw the flash of blade and put up an arm to protect himself.

Two shots rang out.

He saw the man above him flinch once, and then a second time.

He dropped the knife. And then he fell to the floor with a thud.

Decker sat up to see Lancaster slowly lower her gun.