“I’m not sure they’remypeople anymore.”

“Then you’re stuck with the resources of a small-town police force.”


Lancaster glanced up. “I heard you shoot when I was coming up the stairs. How’d you get a sightline on the guy?”

“His laser worked against him in that environment. I followed it back to its source thanks to a bunch of dust in the air. Katz was lucky that Melvin knocked her down when he did. I saw the guy’s scope. Sucker was super sophisticated. He could have made that shot from a mile away—”

Lancaster looked up from what she was doing. “What is it? You okay?”

“I’ll be right back,” said Decker, who was not even looking at her. He got up and hustled out of the room.

He hurried down the hall to the evidence room and checked in with the officer manning it. He told the man what he wanted and was let into the cage, where the officer took him over to a shelf against the wall. The officer held up the rifle with the scope still attached. It was in a large plastic evidence bag with the department tag.

Decker looked at the rifle and scope. Then he thought back to the moment it had been used.

He rushed back to the room where Lancaster was.

“What is going on with you?” said Lancaster.

“Iwasn’t the target, Mary, that night outside McArthur Park.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sally Brimmer was.”