In the long dining room, Marks placed Decker next to him, while he put Mars in between the other two women and Lancaster between the other two men. Jenny Marks sat across from Decker, while her father took his place at the head of the table.

As they were eating, Decker asked, “So what did you know about David Katz?”

“David?” Marks rubbed his mouth with his napkin. “Well, he came to town years ago, young and smart and ambitious as hell.”

“I understand he had already made money doing something.”

“That’s right. I heard that too.”

Marks chewed on a bit of steak.

“Do you know exactly what he made his money in?” asked Decker.

“Not really. I thought it was the stock market, or the bond market, but I can’t tell you definitively.”

Meanwhile, the women next to Mars were asking him about himself.

“You look like an athlete,” said the brunette on his left. “Were you in the pros?”

“Played some college ball. Wanted to play in the NFL, but never made it.”

“You look like you could still play right now.”

“Don’t know about that. Those boys are a lot bigger and faster than when I played.”

The woman on his right, indicating Decker, said, “How do you know that guy?”

“Dude saved my life once.”

“Isn’t he a detective or something?” said the woman.

“One of the best.”

“He doesn’t look like a detective.”

“What are they supposed to look like?”

“I don’t know. Like on TV, I guess.”

“I’d take Decker over all those guys.”


The man on Lancaster’s left nibbled at his bread while watching her out of the corner of his eye. She sensed this and turned to him. “You been working with Mr. Marks for a long time?”

“Does it matter?” asked the man. He changed expressions when the guy on the other side of Lancaster made a face. “I mean, yeah, about fifteen years now. He’s a good boss.”

“What do you do for him?”

“Basically, whatever he wants me to do for him.” The man gave what he probably thought was a disarming smile.

Lancaster didn’t return it. She focused on her meal and asked the attendant for a top-off on her wine.


“Why all the interest in David Katz?” Marks asked Decker.

“You ever been to the American Grill?”