Decker caught Mars’s eye. He said, “Shades of truth.”

“What?” asked Marks.

“Just something else that Rachel told someone. Do you know anything else about David Katz’s background?”

“Well, I had him checked out when we were talking about doing some deals together. They never came to fruition because he was killed. Everything seemed to check out okay.”

“How far back did your check go?”

“Um, I’m not sure. George?” He looked at the man on the right of Lancaster. He was small and slightly built, with thinning dark hair and a bony face.

George said, “We usually do a financial dig on the person. Go back about five years. I didn’t do the one on this Mr. Katz, but that’s generally the drill.”

“Five years,” said Decker, really to himself.

“Do you think that’s far enough?” asked Marks.

“Apparently not,” replied Decker.