“Call me when she can talk again,” said Childress brusquely. He turned and left.

Natty looked after him. “He’s really afraid this is going to reflect badly on him. A spy ring operating right under his nose.”

“I could see how that might give him some sleepless nights,” remarked Decker.

Lancaster approached him. “So what now?”

He looked between Gardiner and Katz. Then his gaze went to the window and he suddenly turned thoughtful. He looked down at his feet, then back up. “The answer’s out there,” he said. “We just have to keep looking.”

Lancaster said, “Where? We’ve got everything covered that we can. But you and I know that Peyton and Gardiner and their team of spies could be out of the country by now, especially if they had access to a private jet.”

“Doesn’t matter. I think we can still find the answers we need.”

“How?” asked Natty.

Decker glanced at him. “You just never know when a helpful witness might pop up.”

“What witness?” said Natty.

Decker headed to the door. “Let’s see if I can show you. But first, we have to take care of something. And take care of it right now.”