“So you don’t think she’s good for it?” said Finger.

“What I think about an active police investigation is none of your business, Ken.”

Finger smiled. “Come on, Mary, I thought we were friends.”

“We’re also professional adversaries because I have to testify in court to put away your guilty clients, and you do your best to discredit mytruthfultestimony.”

“Hey, it’s called cross-examination. We don’t have many arrows in our quiver, but that’s one of the prime ones. And the state has all the resources. I’m just one guy.”

“Keep telling yourself that. It’s a good day when the Internet works at the police station. My computer’s about fifteen years old. And I haven’t had a raise in eight years.”

He smiled impishly. “You can always come over to our side. Be an expert witness. Pays pretty well.”

She returned the look. “Thanks, but no thanks. I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is.”

“I sleep like a baby,” retorted Finger, grinning.

Decker looked over at the bookshelf where a bunch of files were stacked. “We need to see your records on the case.”


“Because there might be a clue in there as to who killed Hawkins.”

“The privilege still applies, Decker.”

Decker looked at the man. “Hawkins came to me and asked me to prove his innocence. He did the same to Mary.”

Finger glanced sharply at Lancaster, who nodded. “That was the only reason he was back in town. To tell me and Decker that we got it wrong and he wanted us to make it right. We went to the Residence Inn to meet with him to go over that. That’s when we found him dead.”

Decker said, “So it seems to me that by his words and actions, Hawkins has waived his privilege, because how else can we prove his innocence if we can’t look at your files?”

Finger sighed. “Well, you make a compelling argument, I’ll give you that. And I guess it couldn’t hurt at this point. But it’s been a long time. You think I still have that stuff?”

“Most attorneys I know never throw anything away,” replied Decker firmly.

“So you’re thinking he’s innocent now, after all this time?”

“Some people here thought I’d killed my family,” said Decker.

“I wasn’t one of them,” said Finger quickly.

Decker rose. “So let’s go get those files.”

“What, you mean now? They’re in storage probably.”

“Yeah, now.”

“But I’ve got to be in court in twenty minutes.”

“Then I’m sure your secretary can help us. Now.”

“What’s your rush?”

“After all these years, I’m not waiting on the truth one second longer than I have to,” replied Decker.