“Would it surprise you to learn that he came back to Burlington proclaiming his innocence? That he wanted me to prove it?”

“Would it surprise me? No. But itwouldsurprise me if you took it seriously.”

“Maybe it would surprise me too. But he comes back saying he’s innocent and then somebody kills him, on the same day?”

“Like I said, you have two potential suspects.”

“The widows. Did you know they still live in Burlington?”

“Why would I?” she said quickly.

“Well, you said they would be on your list of suspects. They’d sort of have to live in Burlington to make it happen that fast.”

“Oh, well, I guess I assumed.”

“Can I take you through the case again?”

“Do we really have to? I’ve worked hard to put this behind me.”

“It’s really important. And it won’t take long.”

She looked at her watch. “Itcan’ttake too long. My husband and I are going out to dinner later. I’d really prefer that you weren’t here when he arrives. It would take too much explaining.”

“I’ll be as expeditious as I can.”

She sighed, poured another cup of coffee, and sat back, looking at him expectantly.

“Your father went out that day around three, you said.”

“I think that’s right. It’s been a long time.”

“That’s what your statement said.”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Okay then, whatever.”

“They found him very early the next morning walking along a part of town that I would have described back then as being pretty dangerous.”


“Had he ever been to that part of town before?”

“Not that I was aware.”

“Hadyouever been to that part of town?”

She frowned. “What, do you mean when I was looking for drugs to buy? I don’t know. Maybe.”

“He had the opportunity to give us an alibi but never did. He said he was just walking in the rain. Something no one could corroborate.”

She spread her hands but said nothing.

“Before that we came to your house to find him. But he wasn’t there. You said he’d gone out.”

“That’s right.”

“And he never told you where he was going?”

“No. We didn’t talk much back then.”