Now Decker took a step back and wouldn’t meet her eye. “I didn’t read them all back then. In particular the pathology report.”

“Why not?”

“I didn’t have to testify to that. The ME did.”

She didn’t look convinced.

He finally looked at her and said, “I screwed up, Ms. Brimmer. It was my first case as a homicide detective. I thought Hawkins was good for it pretty much right from the start. So I didn’t dot all the i’s or cross all the t’s.”

Surprisingly, she smiled at this.

“What?” he said in reaction to her look.

“That’s actually comforting.”

“How so?”

“I thought you were infallible, like a machine. Now I know you actuallyarehuman.”

“Depends on who you ask, actually. Can you get me the files?”

“I guess I can make copies. But I can’t bring them to you here.”

“I won’t be here much longer.”

Her brow wrinkled. “How do you know that?”

“Thereissomething known as a bail hearing. It’s sort of required.”

“Do you have a lawyer?”

“No, but I’m good on that.”

“Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Blake is not going to make it easy.”

“I never thought he would.”

“I guess you’re wondering why I’m…I mean, he and I…”

“It’s none of my business. And I’m not judging anybody. I don’t have the right.”

“I appreciate that.”

“But I will give you a piece of advice. I had a daughter once.”

“I know,” she said, looking pained.

“And if she had had a chance to grow up, I would never let her near Blake Natty. Take that for what it’s worth. The fact that he’s seeing you while he’s still married should tell you all you need to know about the guy.”

Brimmer looked at him sadly, then turned and hurried off.