“But you have memories. Good ones.”

“Yeah, I do. But it’s not the same. Even for someone with a memory like mine. Memories don’t keep you warm at night. And they don’t make you laugh, not really.” He paused. “But they can make you cry.”

She put a hand on his arm and squeezed. “And to think, I used to believe that you were this gigantic jerk.”

“I can be. As you well know.”

“And you can be someone else too, Amos. Someone I would like to call a friend.”

“Wearefriends, Sally. I know what it took for you to help me. Even if my memory sucked, I’d never forget that.”

They grew silent until Brimmer said, “I better get going.”

“I’ll walk you out. It’s pretty dark in here and there’re a lot of places for creeps to hide.”

“Never stop being a cop?”

“It’s just how I’m wired.”

They reached the street a couple of minutes later.

“Thank you again,” said Decker.

“No, thankyou, Amos.” She spontaneously went over and hugged him. Decker bent down to hug her back.

Right as the shot hit.