“From New York too. Dad owned a deli in Brooklyn. Mom was a seamstress.Both deceased.”

“Nottingham have any kids?”

“No, never married.”

“How’d he get to the nursing home?”

“I couldn’t find that out.”

“How long had he lived at the address I gave you?”

“Forty years. But here’s the other thing we’ve confirmed. Bradley Costa lived in the same building before moving to Baronville. Which means theywereneighbors.”

“That makes sense.”

“But I take it you thought there would be a connection between Baronville and Nottingham?”

“I thought Nottingham was the reason Costa came here.”

“Well, I couldn’t find anything about that.”

“Thanks, Todd. Email me the contact information for the nursing home.”

“Will do. And keep me posted. I can come up if things gethairy. Or hairier.”

Decker clicked off. All the spots on the street had been taken, so he ended up parking in a vacant lot about two blocks from the bar.

He walked in and the place seemed to be hopping.

A small stage had been set up and a three-person band was playing country tunes. The singer’s voice was good and the musicians clearly knew their way around the instruments.

Decker grabbed a two-seater table as far away from the band as he could. He didn’t want music. He wanted food, a beer, and the time to think things through.

A waitress came and took his drink order. After she left he scanned the room for the young idiots who had attacked John Baron, but didn’t see them. Then he looked for Baron, but didn’t see him either. He eyed the bar andsaw Cindi Riley juggling about a dozen customers at the same time.

He observed that she mixed, poured, and served myriad drinks with a practiced hand, all the while talking it up with patrons and managing tabs. Decker had basically lived in bars after his family had been murdered. He knew a pro when he saw one.

“You want some company?”

He looked up to see Lassiterstanding there with a beer in hand.

Decker didn’t really want company and was about to say that when Lassiter, apparently taking his silence for assent, sat down across from him.

She had on a navy blue skirt, a white blouse, and a matching jacket. He saw her holstered service pistol under the open fold of her coat.

“How’s Jamison holding up?”

“She’s hangingin there. HelpingAmber. One of her sisters arrived in town. I think Frank’s family will be in tomorrow.”

“And are you still investigating?”

“It’s what I do.”

“Care to share? You did promise to keep us in the loop.”

The waitress brought Decker’s beer and he ordered some food. He took a few sips before answering Lassiter.

“It’s mostly speculation.”