Chapter 5


The rear doors of the body wagon closed and off went the two unidentified corpses.

Decker and Jamison watched from the street as the vehicle passed by, followed by a patrol car.

Police tape fluttered in the breeze left over from the storm.

Detective Green walked over to them whileLassiter went back inside the house.

Green said, “We’ll run their prints. Hopefully, that will turn up who they are.”

“A lot of people aren’t on databases,” pointed out Jamison.

“But a lot of people are,” countered Green.

Decker said, “So tell us about the other homicides.”

Green unwrapped a stick of gum and started chewing, balling up the wrapperand sticking it in his pocket.

Decker watched him. “I had a partner back in Ohio who chewed gum all the time. She was trying to kick the smokes.”

Green said, “I’m two years off the cancer sticks. But I’ve worn my teeth down to nothing.”

“So, what other homicides?” Decker persisted.

“We got a lot of problems in this town. Businesses boarded up. Houses foreclosedon. Many with no jobs and no prospects of a job. Opioid addiction is through the roof.”

“That’s not just here,” said Jamison. “It’s all over.”

Green continued. “When I was a kid the mines and mills were still operating. People had money. Dads worked, moms stayed home and raised the children. People went to church on Sunday. Downtown was alive and well. Then the mines and millswent belly-up and everything came tumbling down. Because it all depended on the mines and mills. They were the only reason therewasa town.”

“Baronville?” said Jamison. “My sister told me a little about it.”

Green chewed his gum and nodded. “A long time ago, John Baron Sr. came to the area and discovered coal. He built the town because he needed workers for the mines. He madea fortune off that, and then opened coal and coke plants, then textile mills, and later a paper mill. And then he hit natural gas and made more money. My granddad told me old man Baron only had one setback in his whole life. His textile business soured and he was planning to sell it by the time he died. But other than that, the man never missed when it came to business. Baron built this huge mansionand lived like a king. But when he died things started going downhill. The businesses started tanking and were sold off. When the economy nosedived back in the seventies and then manufacturing went overseas, they all eventually went out of business. The music stopped and the good folks of Baronville were caught with no place to sit down. Been that way ever since.”

Looking impatient,Decker said, “Are you going to tell us about the homicides or keep giving us a history lesson on Baronville?”

Green spit out his gum and stared directly at Decker.

“Four vics at two different crime scenes. Both happened in the span of two weeks, the last barely a week ago.”

“Similarities? Patterns?” Decker wanted to know.

“Only in that each one was weird,”replied Green, his lip curled in disgust.

“No leads?” asked Jamison.

“None worth following up on. And as you know, the more time goes by, the lower the odds of clearing a case.”

“Tell me about them,” said Decker.

At that moment Lassiter came out of the house and motioned to Green. “Marty, can you come and eyeball something?”

Green looked acrossthe yard at her. “What is it?”

Lassiter glanced at Decker. “I don’t want to say in front ofunauthorizedpersons.”