“I sort of gave him the vibe that it would be futile if he did. I mean, he was okay, but I’m not into the stiffbanker types. Too corporate for my bohemian tastes. I gave out subtle hints and he stopped trying.”

“He had a photo of you and him in his office.”

She seemed surprised by this. “Did he? From where?”

“Some business event, his secretary said.”

“Oh, that’s right. I remember now. He had a cocktail party about six months ago. Invited me and a bunch of other localbusiness owners. There was a photographer there.”

“That explains it,” said Decker.

She sipped her drink. “So, I probably knew all four and I lived in the same building as one of them. Does that mean I’m not a coincidence and that I’m in the same mess John is?”

“You ever been up to the mansion on the hill?”


“Just curious.”


“You don’t remember.”

“Okay, a few times,” she admitted.

“Baron is prettybohemian.” He waited to hear her response.

“I admit I find him interesting.”

“I think he’sveryinteresting. I’m just trying to figure out if he’s also a killer.”

“I don’t think he’d hurt a fly.”

“I don’t care if he hurts flies.”

She smiled atthe remark. “John thinksyou’revery interesting.”

“He told you that?”

“Yes, he did. We spoke on the phone after you and your partner paid him a visit.”

“Has he ever been here?”

“Once or twice. Please don’t ask about particulars.”

“He’s got some years on you.”

“He’s actually one of the youngest people I know.”

“You mean in spirit?”he said.

She nodded. “He’s also kept himself in great shape. He was an athlete. You look like you were an athlete.”

“I was, about a hundred pounds ago.”

“Don’t you check for alibis?”

“We do.”