“I didn’t push it and he didn’t elaborate.”

“Did he know Baron?”

“I know you believe that he did, but not that I know of. I don’t think John has much use for banks.”

“But he has a mortgage on his home with that bank.”

“Doeshe?” she said innocently.

“Yeah, he does. But he failed to mention that to me.”

Decker pulled the photo of Baron and the Little League team from his pocket and held it up. “You ever see this in Costa’s condo?”

She took it and looked at it. “Yeah, it was on a shelf with a bunch of others.”

“Baron was the coach.”

“I cansee, Decker,” she said sharply.“He led the team to the state championship and then got canned by the powers that be.”

“He told us that. Do you know why?”

“I think it made him look too good and they couldn’t stand that.”

She caught the writing on the back. “Stanley Nottingham. Who’s that?”

“I don’t know. You ever heard of him?”

She shook her head. “It’s funny, though.”

“What is?”

She handed the photo back. “I only know this because John mentioned it to me once. Even showed me a picture.”

“Of what?”

“No, of whom.”

“Stanley Nottingham?” said Decker, looking perplexed.

“No.” She took a moment to search her memory. “Not Stanley. Yeah, it was Nigel. Can you believe that? Nigel?”

“You’ve lost me.”

“John showed me a photo of NigelNottingham. That’s why I remembered it. Don’t hear those two names much anymore. I mean, can you get any more British than that? But I guess it fit.”

“You’ve still lost me,” groused Decker.

“Nigel Nottingham was Baron’s butler.”

“John’s butler?”

“No! John can’t afford a butler. I’m talking about the original John Baron.He apparently wanted a full-fledged British butler, and Nigel Nottingham fit the bill.”

Decker jumped up from his seat. “I gotta go, thanks.”

He was out the front door of the condo before Cindi even got to her feet.

“But, Decker, I drove you over here,” she called after him as the door slammed shut.