“In the letters were there any clues as to where he might have hidden it?”

“None, at least that I could see. My grandfather and father speculated about it, but they didn’t know. And even if they did, what would it matter? They didn’t own the Baron property. They would have had no way to gain access to it to even search.”

“But presumably the Baron family would?”

“I suppose. And if they were becoming poor and thought there might be a fortune lying about? Well, I would look for it. I’m sure if my grandfather knew about the possibility of a hidden fortune, the Baron descendants would have as well.”

“I think theydidlook for it.”

“How do you know that?”

Decker was thinking about all the holes in the walls back at theBaron mansion. “Just something I saw.”

Nottingham sat up a bit in his chair. “Do you think Brad went to Baronville to look for the treasure?”

“I can’t come up with another reason why he would chuck his life in New York and move there. Do you think he did some investigating on his own before he left New York?”

“It’s possible, in fact even probable. Because we had manylater conversations about it, and each time we did, Brad seemed to know things about the Barons that I hadn’t told him. So he might have been doing research on his own.” Nottingham suddenly looked horrified. “So, my telling him about this and his going there. I…I’m the reason he’s dead.”

“No, you’re not,” said Decker firmly. “People make their own choices, and they have to live withthe consequences.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Nottingham said doubtfully.

“Would you happen to have any of the letters you showed Costa?”

“I would. Not in my room, but there’s a storage locker here where I keep my valuables. The letters are in a file in that locker.”

“I can make copies and put the originals back in the locker.”

“That’s fine.”

“Thank you for your time, you’ve been a big help.” Decker handed Nottingham a card. “If you think of anything else, give me a call.”

“Of course. And could you let me know how things end up?”

“I will.” Decker looked at the photos on the wall. “You were really a great photographer.”

Nottingham glanced up from the card and said, “Thank you. What are you goingto do now?”

“My job,” answered Decker.