“Itwouldmake sense if Costa did some digging on his own. Nottingham told me that he seemed very well informed during their later conversations. That means Costa apparently had done some ofhis own research. Guy was on Wall Street. They’re used to doing due diligence. And there’s something else.”


“Remember Costa had joined all the local organizations, Kiwanis, et cetera?”

“Yeah, we saw all those photos. So? Nothing strange there.”

“But he had also joined the localhistoricalsociety.”

“You think he went there and did moreresearch and maybe found where the treasure might be? Or what it is?”

“It’s certainly possible.”

“What about John Baron? Do you think he knows about the treasure rumors?”

“I don’t know, but I think his predecessors looked for it. That would account for the holes in the walls. And while the grounds are now overgrown, I saw lots of lumpy earth where people might havebeen digging for it.”

“But you don’t think Baron knows where it is?” she asked again.

“If he did, would he be living like he is?”

“True. So what are you going to do now?”

“I’ve got to follow in Costa’s footsteps and see what he found.”

“But why would someone murder him?”

“If he discovered the location of a treasure, that would be a motive.”

“And the three other vics?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look, once the funeral is over I can start helping you again.”

“You don’t have to do that. Your family will need you.”

“I’m a woman, Decker.”

He looked confused. “Yeah, I know. So what?”

“That means I canmultitask,” she replied with a smile.

He nodded. “Okay. But let’s keepin mind we’ve got some violent drug dealer involvement here. I checked out Brian Collins through an FBI database. The guy was a stone-cold killer. If there are more like him out there, this is going to get hairy.”

“Hey, it’s what we do, right?”

He stared at her so intently that she said, “I know. You don’t want anything to happen to me. But I signed up for this. I’m all in.I have your back, you have mine, right?”

He nodded.

“There’s one more thing, Decker.”

“What’s that?”

She said hesitantly, “I…I overheard your talk with Zoe on the stairs, before you left for New Jersey.”

Decker glanced away, his brow crinkling.