“Well, there were only two other people on the street. Martin and Ross. Both were probably in bed at midnight.”

“How about the DEA agent across the street?”asked Decker.

Green said, “Kemper lifted that surveillance yesterday. They finished processing that scene and the one next door where you shot Brian Collins. We don’t have the manpower to keep a guy idle like that. So there was no one on patrol duty.”

Lassiter said, “The killer must’ve been watching and knew there was no cop present. Then he goes and does the deed.”

Green said, “But why the old blind guy? Why would anyone target him? He couldn’t haveseenanything.”

“But he couldhearthings,” said Decker. “He knew there wasn’t a plane flying over that night. It was his suggestion that it might have been a drone.”

Green popped some gum into his mouth. “Donna mentioned your theory about that. You think he might have told someone elsewhat he told you? And that person might have killed him?”

“It’s possible. I can’t think of another reason why someone would want to murder him. He’s not the sort who would have a lot of enemies. Was there any sign of robbery?”

“No. I don’t think he had much to steal.”

“When I went there to interview him Bond had to open three door locks. I don’t think he would haveleft his door open.”

“So someone had a key,” said Lassiter.

“Or he knew his killer and let the person in,” noted Decker. “And based on my experience with Bond, at that time of night, that would take a lot of trust.”

Green snapped, “Are you makinganysense out of this?”

“Not yet.”

Green pulled his badge off his belt and threw it down on the porch.

“Why the hell do I even wear this thing if I can’t protect my town?”

Decker bent down, picked up the badge, examined it to make sure it wasn’t dented, and handed it back to Green. “We’re going to get there, Detective,” he said.

“How can you be so sure?” asked Lassiter.

“Because in our line of work, failure is not an option,” replied Decker.