Jamison stepped forward. “John, you are in deep trouble. Lassiter is building a case against you for four murders. We’re just trying to make you understand the gravity of the situation.”

“I’ve beenin deep trouble for most of my life.”

“Not this deep,” said Decker. “You could get the death penalty.”

“I’ve actually had that ever since I was born here. It’s just a matter of time.”

“You really need to take this seriously,” snapped Jamison.

Baron stood. “And how exactly should I take it seriously?” he said, his eyes flashing dangerously in a way that neitherof them had seen before. “If people have a hard-on for me like your friend said, then what does it matter what I do or what I don’t do? The result is inevitable. So now maybe you see why I drink so much.”

“Did you kill those people?” asked Decker.

Baron held Jamison’s gaze for a beat longer and then looked at Decker. “Well, if I had, it’s doubtful I would confess my guilt tothe FBI.” He looked back at Jamison. “Doyouthink I killed them?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think. It matters what can be proved.”

“That’s such a pat response. Frankly, I expected better from you, Alex.”

Decker said, “Did you clear Swanson’s things out of the potting shed?”

Baron glanced at him.

Decker said, “We told you we found evidence of Swansonstaying in the potting shed. And the drug paraphernalia there. Did you get rid of it?”

“I’m not sure I should answer that.”

“You’re going to have to at some point.”

“I think I’ll defer for now.”

“They’re going to search every inch of this place. Odds are very good they’re going to find something, including anything that you might have rehidden.”

“Do I need a lawyer?”

Lassiter had stepped into the front doorway right at that moment.

“Oh, I think you do, Mr. Baron.”

She held up a gun in a plastic evidence bag.