“He’ll have a bond hearing. Because of the seriousness of the charges, the judge will probably remand him into custody until trial. But even if bail is set I doubt he could afford it.”

Someone knocked at the front door. Jamison rose to answer it and returneda few moments later with Cindi Riley.

She had on faded jeans, a leather jacket, and a flannel shirt, coupled with an exhausted expression and reddened eyes.

Jamison said, “You look like you could use some coffee. I just made a fresh pot.”

Riley answered with a nod and then dropped into a seat across from Decker.

“You know what happened?” she said.

“To Baron, yeah.”

“He didn’t do it. He didn’t kill anyone.”

“Was it his gun?” asked Decker.

“I don’t know. You saw the house. There’s crap everywhere. John doesn’t know the half of what’s there.”

“Does he have a lawyer?” asked Jamison, setting a cup of coffee down in front of Riley.

“I got him one. I had to go outside of town to do it. Nobodyhere apparently wants to defend him. The jerks. I mean what did he ever do to anybody? Somebody killed his parents. Did anybody here do anything about that?”

“Have you talked to him?” asked Decker.

“Yes, at the jail. I’m really worried about him.”

“Heshouldbe worried,” said Decker. “They’re charging him with multiple murders.”

“No, I don’t mean just that.I mean that John seems to have finally given up. He’s always been so positive. No matter the crap they throw at him here, he just brushes it off, turns it into a joke, and keeps going.”

Jamison sat down next to her. “But not now?”

“No. I think he believes this is it. That he’s going to die in jail. They set bail because he’s not a flight risk. I tried to pay it after his hearing,but he refused to let me.”

“If he didn’t do it, he won’t be in jail long,” said Decker.

Riley glared at him. “You’re a cop. You should know that innocent people go to jail all the time.”

“Not if we can prove that someone else is responsible,” said Decker. “Then he’s home free.”

“How do we do that?”

“It’s all we’ve been doing since we got here,”said Jamison. “And we’ve made some progress.”

“Does Baron have alibis for any of the murders?” asked Decker.

“I talked to him about that. And not really, no. Like you said, with some of them it’s hard to tell exactly when they died. And John spends most of his time alone at his home, except for a couple hours once a week at the bar.”

Decker nodded. “Okay, then wehave to approach it from another way to clear him.”

“So you don’t think he killed anybody then?” said Riley.

Decker ignored this question and said, “You told me before about new businesses popping up around the area.”


“You also told me about some people using payouts from life insurance policies to do renovations and start these businesses.”