“I think maybe they were moving out equipment and then moving inthe bodies. And they wanted to make sure no one was watching or coming that way. Best way to check for that was by aerial surveillance. And that’s what drones can do really well.”

“Then we need to go over the space again, to see if they left behind any trace of a pill press operation.”

“I’d check the house next door too, where I shot Brian Collins. That place is empty as well.And has the electricity turned on too.”

“And the old man who lived across the street?”

“Dan Bond might have heard something and they needed to get rid of him. They probably picked that street because it was nearly empty. In fact, only three people lived there, including him. And Fred Ross is the father of the guy with all the drugs.”

“So what’s your suggestion? Dowe go in and bust Ted Ross?”

“We bust him, chances are good everybody else gets away. And you can’t get a search warrant based on what I told you, because I had no probable cause to do what I did today in his office.”

“But when he checks his stash, won’t he know a bottle is missing?”

“He might think they just shortchanged him. But we’ll need to watch him. If it lookslike he’s on to it, we’ll need to pick him up.”

“Okay, I’ll get people on that. What are you going to do?”

“We know the endgame here now—drugs. Now I just have to find the rest of the pieces.”

“Do you think all the other murders are tied to this?”

“Yes, I do. But there might be something else going on here.”

“Like what?”

“As soon as Iknow, I’ll tell you.”