“A lot.”

“So whoever wanted to buy out the mortgage would have to have deep pockets?”

“Yes. The bank will take less money for it, but not a lot less.”

“AndCosta knew all this?”

“He was the one who did the new deal, including the moral turpitude clause. As I said, when I went back to him later for another extension at a lower rate and better terms, he refused.”

Jamison said, “Do you think Costa was planning to somehow buy the mortgage off and get the property that way? Then he would own the place and be able to look for the treasureat his leisure?”

“I think that was his plan, but I also think he already knew where the treasure was,” said Decker.

Baron sat up straighter. “What? Then where is it?”

“I’m not sure. But he nicked a letter from the historical society that I think provided him with the answer.”

Jamison said, “But, Decker, Costa couldn’t buy the property himself, could he?That would be like self-dealing. There have to be bank regulations prohibiting that.”

“I’m sure there are,” said Decker. “Which is why he was going to need a straw man.”

“Somebody to buy the property in their name and then let him go up there and get the treasure?”

“Yes. He probably offered the person a percentage of the take.”

“So now we have to find thatperson,” said Jamison.

“Yes, we do, because that person also murdered Babbot, Tanner, Swanson, and Bradley Costa.” He paused and looked at Jamison. “And I think they murdered Frank too.”