Chapter 63

L?ATER THAT DAY,Decker opened the door to see Alice Martin standing there. Her quad cane was in one hand and she held a pie in the other.

Over her shoulder Decker saw the police cruiser parked at the curb. Lassiter had authorized it after Decker phoned her and told her what had happened.

“I heard,” Martin saidtersely. “Is everyone all right?”

Decker nodded. “Amber got checked out at the hospital. They’re keeping her for a bit longer, but she should be home tonight.”

“And Zoe?”

“She’s okay. The gas didn’t get very far into her room for some reason. They cleared the whole house out and checked for gas levels before they let us back in. She’s at the hospital with her mom.”

“Do they know how it happened?”

“Still checking on it.”

Martin turned and glanced at the police cruiser. “I take it that the presence of the police means that itwasn’tan accident?”

Instead of answering, Decker glanced at the pie. “Is that for Amber?”

“It’s for all of you. Lemon meringue.”

She handed it to him.

“Thanks,” hesaid. “I’ll be sure to tell Amber.”

Martin looked around. “This used to be a very nice neighborhood. Now it’s not very nice at all.”

“I can see how you would feel that way.”

“It might be best for all of you to just leave Baronville.”

Decker stared at her without answering.

“Why would you want to stay in a place like this?” she asked.

“I don’t live here. But Amber and her daughter do. Her husband came here for a job. It’s not like they had a choice. And I have no idea if they’ll stay here or move.” He paused. “Why doyoustay, Ms. Martin?”

“Because it’s my home and I’m too damn old to move.”

“Like your neighbor, Fred Ross?”

She stared at him. “You live long enough, Mr. Decker, you accept thingsyou never thought you otherwise would.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“For some it’s one or the other.”

“And for you?”

“I hope you all enjoy the pie. I’m very good at lemon meringue. At least I’m still good at something.”

She turned to leave, but then looked back at him.

“This used to be a nice town way back.”

“Youmean when the sweatshops were operating and a robber baron was making all the money?”