“You said he overdosed because he mistook fentanyl for heroin?” asked Jamison.

“That’s right.”

“And where did this happen?” asked Decker.

“At a friend’s house.”

“And the friend wasn’t there to give him Narcan?” said Decker.

“No, he was alone. I didn’tfind out till later. Cried my eyes out.”

“Did the insurance company investigate the death?”

“Yeah, they did. But Willie was on top of that too. He told me he wasn’t gonna let them cheat me outta my money. And he came through all right. They paid out a few months later.”

“And then you got the million dollars?” said Decker.

Drews didn’t answer right away.“Yeah, that’s right.”

“No, that’snotright.”


“You didn’t get the full million. How much did Norris get?”

“Well, um, he got his commission.”

“Which was how much?”

“Thirty percent.”

“So he got three hundred thousand dollars?”

“Yes sir, that’s what Willie said was standard with life insurance.”

“Andhow was it paid?”

“Willie took care of that. He just made sure my money got to my account.”

“I’m sure he did.” Decker paused. “Ms. Drews, did you ever think it was strange that soon after your son took out a million-dollar life insurance policy, which was Norris’s idea, he overdosed and Norris got three hundred grand?”

Drews’s lips started to tremble and the tearsbegan to slide down her cheeks. “Mister, are you telling me that…”

“Yeah, I am,” said Decker. “They set your son up. They got a big policy on him and then rigged it so he overdosed and died.”

Drews put a shaky hand to her face and sobbed. “I never wanted my son to die, so help me God.”

“But the fact is, hediddie.”

“And…and you really think Willie had somethingto do with that?”

“I don’t think it, Iknowhe did.”

“Am I in trouble, mister?” she asked again.

“I’d get that lawyer if I were you. And forget about the coffee and muffins. I just lost my appetite.”

Decker and Jamison walked out.

Back in their truck, Jamison said, “God, I can’t believe that. Shehadto know what was going on.”

“Maybeshe did and maybe she didn’t. If I’ve learned one thing in this business, it’s that people can justify anything they want to.”

“So, insurance scams, drug dealers, and framing someone for a treasure. Who would have thought one town could have so much crap going on separately?”

Decker put the truck in gear.

“Only it’s not really separate, Alex. It’s all tied togetherwith a not-so-neat little bow.”