Chapter 74


Baron, Jamison, and Riley were leading Amber and Zoe back up the road toward the house when Baron had stopped and stiffened. His gaze was pointed down the path that cut through the woods.

“What was what?” asked Jamison.

“I heard a sound down that way.”

“You think it might beDecker?”

“It’s not me,” said Decker.

He had appeared in the road leading from the house.

“Decker, where were you?” asked Jamison.

“At the house, with Lassiter.”

“What happened?” asked Jamison.

Decker glanced at Zoe. The little girl looked exhausted and scared.

“I’ll tell you later. I just got a text from Kemper. She called anambulance for Amber and Zoe. It’ll meet you in front of the house. Alex, can you and Cindi take them up there and wait with them?”

“Why, where are you going?”

“I think John and I have someplace to check out.”

Baron was still staring down the path.

Jamison glanced at Baron and then back at Decker. “I think I’ll come with you.”

“No, you need to gowith your sister and niece. You have a gun and I don’t know who else might be out there. Kemper’s sending some agents to you. Until they get here, you need to stay with them.”

Jamison looked torn.

“Okay, but can you at least tell me where you’re going?”

Decker, his gaze on Baron, said, “Maybe into the past.”


As Baronand Decker headed down the path, Baron looked at him. “You know where this leads, right?”

“I do.”

“And do you hear what I’m hearing?”

“I do,” Decker said again.

“But he would have no way of knowing about this. He would never have been here.”

“He would haveoneway of knowing about it,” replied Decker.

They cleared the trees and in frontof them the large pond appeared.

They stopped walking as they both saw it at the same time.