“I have nothing to remember that would be helpful.”

“Really? Nothing?”

He said, “Actually, I heard a car drive away a few minutes before I saw the sparking from the electrical short.”

Jamison sat straighter in her chair. “You told me that before, but did youseethe car?”

“No. There was no clear sightline from where I was.”

“Well, only three elderly people live on that street. So maybe they don’t even drive. And there weren’tany cars on the street when we drove over there. You think it could have been the killer leaving the house after dumping the bodies?”

“Could be. Blowflies can find a body very quickly.”

Outside, it had started to rain and the temperature had dropped, bleeding off the earlier warmth of the day.

She said, “I told Green we’d come in tomorrow morning and share any ideas.How did you leave it with Lassiter?”

“I didn’t leave it any way with her. She dropped me off at the house and that was that. Besides, I don’t have any ideas.”

“Some might come to you in the night.”


“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to work this case, Decker,” barked Jamison. “So stop whining and start doing your job.”

Decker glanced sharplyat her, only to see that she was smiling at him.

He grinned sheepishly. “You’re right. I’m being an idiot.”

“Wow. I can count on one hand with fingers left over the number of times you’ve said that I was right.”

“You’re right more often than you think.”

Her expression changed. “Zoe told me what you said. About my ability to read people and to see thingsothers don’t.”

“Don’t let it go to your head.”

She smirked. “Thanks. Green said they’d have all the files ready for us to go over tomorrow.”

Decker brightened at this comment. “Good. Maybe something will jump out.”

They fell silent for a few moments.

“Talked to Melvin lately?” asked Jamison.

“No. He and Harper are traveling on vacationsomewhere. The Mediterranean, I think. Why?”

“I know how close you and Melvin are. I guess you could have gone on vacation with them, but it might have been awkward with the three of you. Especially in the romantic Med.”

Decker stared absently at his plate of food and didn’t answer.

“FYI, there’s a park near my sister’s house with a jogging trail,” noted Jamison.

He glanced up at her. “And why do I need to know that?”

“I know you’ve been working out, and youhavedropped a lot of weight. Just want you to keep it up. You know, it’s harder to get back in shape than it is to stay in shape.”

“Thanks for enlightening me on that.”

He glanced out the window onto the darkened street. A few cars rolled past. And there werea couple of pedestrians. Other than that, downtown Baronville was relatively quiet in the gathering storm. For now.

“What are you thinking about, Decker?”

He continued to stare out into the dark. “I’m wondering who’s going to die next.”