“Didn’t you hear?”

“No, I apparently came in too late.”

“Well, the gist of it was that the town is going to hell and it’s my fault.”

“Okay,” said Decker slowly.

“It’s not the first time I’ve heard it, and it’s doubtful it will be the last.”

“So people herehold grudges, I take it?”

“People here hold many things. Can I buy you a drink as a way of thanks?”

Decker sat down at the bar and Baron resumed his seat.

He put out a hand. “Formal introductions. I’m John Baron the Fourth.”

Decker shook his hand. “Amos Decker. I take it the town is named after your family?”

“You would be correct in that, yes.It used to be a good thing, actually. A point of pride. It no longer is, I’m afraid. Well, I suppose you saw that for yourself.”

The bartender said, “Whatever you want, it’s on the house, John. And here, take this.” She handed him a plastic baggie of ice, which he placed against the bruise on his face.

“Very kind of you, Cindi,” said Baron, smiling at her. He ordered a freshscotch and soda. Decker asked for a beer.

“Here on business?” asked Baron.


Baron looked bemused. “You actually came here for…pleasure?”

“My partner has family here. She’s visiting. I tagged along. We’re staying with them.”

Baron took a sip of his drink. “And where is your partner now?”

“Back at the house. I wasn’t ready togo to sleep.”

“And are you enjoying our little paradise?”

“Can’t say that I am, actually. Maybe it has to do with a bunch of murders.”

Baron nodded thoughtfully. “I heard about that. Sounded pretty awful. But hard times lead to bad things.”

“That’s your explanation?”

“I don’t have an explanation. I’m just slowly becoming drunk and jabbering away.”

“Do you do that often?”

“I don’t have much else to do. I come here for about an hour once a week, and then I go home and never leave until I come back here, except to run a short errand or two. And I really have no obligations or responsibilities to get in the way of that little routine.”

“Lucky you.”

“Maybe not so lucky, actually. So, when you came in youcalled out, ‘FBI.’ Are you a special agent or was that just hyperbole?”

“I’m just a regular cop, but I work with the Bureau.”

“Where are you from?”