“No. We heard back from all of them except one.”

“Which one?”


“Okay, did you contact them when they didn’t get back to you?”

“We did and found out that a DEA special ops team is going to be arriving in Baronville in about two hours.”

“So the dead guyswerewith them?”asked Jamison.

“That’s the thing—they’ll neither confirm nor deny that.”

“But if they’re sending a team?”

“That could mean a lot of different things. But I’ve got a buddy over in the D.C. office at DEA. I talked to him before I called you. He said this has gone right up to the DEA director’s office. Look, I can jump on an agency plane and be up there in about twohours.”

“No, you have enough on your plate.”

“And you twoaresupposed to be on vacation.”

“I was wondering when you were going to get to that,” said Decker.

“I tried to talk him out of it,” chimed in Jamison. “But you know Decker can’t resist a good murder.”

“Seriously, there is something going on here that I don’t like,” said Bogart.

“There are a lot of things going on here that I don’t like, principally a bunch of murdered people. And me and Alex almost ending up roasted.”

“I’m going to monitor the situation from here. When the DEA show up they’re going to want to talk to you.”

“I just don’t know how much I have to tell them. It’s pretty early yet.”

“The point is the DEA will play things closeto the vest.”

“Just like all our alphabet agency friends,” noted Jamison. “Remember the DIA? Talk about zipped lips.”

Bogart said, “And if the dead men are two of theirs, they’re going to want to take the lead. There might be a turf battle.”

Decker said, “I’m just here to find the truth. Somebody else can play the politics.”

“Which is why I’m askingyou, Alex, to play the counterfoil to the DEA. They’re going to come in like a tank brigade. They’re going to run right over the locals for sure. Just don’t let them do that to you. You have the right to be there. You were asked to join the investigation. They can’t force you out.”

“I’ll do my best,” she said.

“And if the dynamics on this shift, I can inject the Bureau into thesituation. And we can go toe-to-toe with anybody. Good luck.”

Decker put his phone away and looked at Jamison.

He grumbled, “Turf battles and office politics. I hate that crap.”

She smiled and said, “So, Decker, are you enjoyingyourvacation yet?”