Chapter 23

AFTER ONLY THREEhours of sleep, Decker went downstairs to find Zoe finishing her breakfast in the kitchen before going to school.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and accepted a toasted bagel from Amber, who was rushing around the kitchen packing Zoe’s lunch and also handling the laundry in a small room adjacent to it.Frank, he was told, had already left for work.

Decker wearily sat down across from Zoe and drank his coffee and munched on his bagel while she spooned cereal into her mouth.

When he looked over at her, he found the little girl staring at him.

“You went out last night,” she said. “I saw you from my window.”

“I couldn’t sleep, like I told you. But why wereyou still up? I thought you went back to bed?”

Zoe shrugged and tapped her spoon against her bowl.

“Zoe, hurry up,” said her mother from the laundry room. “We have to leave in five minutes and you still need to brush your teeth and comb your hair. And do you have your book bag, young lady? And your flute?”

Zoe rolled her eyes and took another mouthful of cereal, hergaze still on Decker. “Have you found the bad people yet?” she asked.

“Not yet, no. Still working on it.”

“Your hair looks funny.”

“It usually does.”

“No, I mean it’s all stuck up in the middle.”

“I, uh, accidentally got some glue there.”

Zoe perked up at this. “I put glue in my hair one time. But it wasn’t an accident. Mom was reallymad. She had to use scissors to cut it out. Want me to cut it out for you?” She lowered her voice. “Mom doesn’t really like me to use scissors when she’s not around, but we don’t have to tell her.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll just let it grow out.”

Zoe returned to her cereal, clearly disappointed.

Amber burst into the kitchen. “Okay, are you ready?” she asked her daughter.

“I still have to brush my teeth and hair. And I couldn’t find my flute.”

“I know today’s your birthday, but get going, young lady.”

Zoe held up her half-empty bowl. “But, Mom,” she began.

“Oh, no, you’re not pulling that again. You can finish it in the car. Now, go! And don’t come downstairs without your flute. I saw it on your dresser last night.”

Zoe slowly rose, and weakly waved goodbye to Decker.

“Happy Birthday, Zoe,” said Decker.

After she left the room, Amber took a few deep breaths. “Kids.”

“Yeah,” said Decker.

“I’ve never had a son but they can’t be harder than girls.”

“I never had a son,” said Decker. “Just a daughter.”

Amber stiffened and slowly sat down across fromDecker.