Decker’s gaze swiveled to him.“Yeah, he is. And could you aim your weapon somewhere other than at me?”

The young cop automatically looked to his partner, who nodded while handing back Decker’s credentials.

“Show us,” ordered the older cop.

At that moment, Jamison dashed around the corner.

The young cop swung his gun around and lined her up in his sights.

“No!” roared Decker.He leapt forward and hit the cop’s arm just before he fired. The bullet sailed barely a foot above Jamison’s head. She sprawled in the grass.

The younger cop stumbled back and pointed his sidearm at Decker’s head.

“She’s my partner,” barked Decker. “She’s the one who called you. Alex, are you okay?”

Jamison slowly rose and came toward them on jelly legs. She tooka deep breath and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” But she looked like she might throw up.

The older cop gave his partner a piercing gaze, and asked to see Jamison’s credentials. After reviewing them he handed them back and looked at his partner.

“You almost shot a Fed, Donny,” he said severely. “And now you’re going to have a ton of paperwork to fill out while your butt is anchoredto a desk job. And Internal Affairs will be all over you. Congratulations.”

The younger cop holstered his weapon, scowled, and said nothing.

“Show us,” the older cop said again.

“This way,” replied Decker.