“Apparently it still is, because the police never released a definitive finding one way or another. And they still won’t answer any of my questions.”

“You still ask?” said Jamison.

“About once or twice a year. I used to write letters or make phone calls. Now I do it by email directly to the police commissioner.”

“Anddoes the commissioner answer you?”

“With language that would be inappropriate to use in front of a lady,” replied Baron, with a glance at Jamison. “And now, unless you have anything further, I really need to get back to that nap.” He abruptly walked off.

Jamison turned to Decker, who was still staring at the pond.

“Now that is one complicated man,” she said. “Shootingone-liners one second and then telling us his parents were murdered the next.”

Decker glanced back in the direction of Baron, who was just disappearing into the woods.

“Decker? Did you hear me?”

He nodded.

“Do you think his parents could have been murdered?”

“I’m in no position to say one way or another. And that’s not why we’re here. We have sixrecentmurders to investigate.” He turned back to look at the pond.

“But youarecurious, aren’t you? I can tell.”

Decker turned and walked past her.

“Wait a minute, where are you going?”

“While Baron is ‘napping,’ I want to look around.”