“Charlotte’s Web,” exclaimed Zoe. “Mom read this to me.”

“Look inside,” said Jamison.

Zoe opened the book and her jaw dropped. “It’s…it’s signed.”

“E. B. White. He signed that for a young friend of his about forty years ago. Do you see what her name was?”

Zoe read off the name.“Zoe!”

“That’s right.”

“How did you ever find that?” asked Amber.

“I have a friend who works at a rare books dealer in New York. She’s been on the lookout for something like this for me for about a year.”

Zoe said slowly, “This must have cost a lot of money.”

Jamison leaned over, hugged her niece, and kissed her on the forehead. “What it is, Zoe,is a great book that you can read over and over your whole life.”

“And every time I open it I can pretend that he signed it to me!”

“Yes, you absolutely can. That’s called using your imagination, which is what Mr. White used to write the story in the first place.”

Zoe said, “These are the best presents I’ve ever gotten.”

Amber smiled at her sister and gaveher a thumbs-up.

And then the door to the restaurant opened and there stood Detectives Green and Lassiter.

Decker spotted them first, and then Jamison did a few moments later.

Jamison groaned, “Oh no, what do they want?”

Amber and Zoe looked over at the doorway. Zoe said sadly, “Does this mean you have to leave? Before dinner?”

Decker rose andsaid, “I’ll check. If something is up, I’m sure it can wait.”

He walked over to the detectives. “Look, we’re in the middle of a little girl’s birthday party. Can’t whatever it is wait?”

Green said, “We’re actually not here to see you, Decker.”

Decker looked puzzled. “Jamison, then?”

“No, not your partner.”

“Who, then?”

Green glanced overhis shoulder in the direction of the table. “Amber Mitchell.”

Decker froze for a moment. “Her sister? Why? Is it about the murders?”

“That’s not why we’re here.”

Lassiter added, “When the call came in we recognized the name. We thought we’d handle it because we’d already met the family.”

“Recognized the name? What name?”

“Frank Mitchell. Amber’shusband.”

Decker glanced at Jamison and Amber, who were watching him closely, while Zoe was leafing through her book. He turned back to the pair of detectives.

“What about him?”

Green said, “I’m afraid he’s dead.”