“Yes,” she panted.

“He asked Tessa to marry him!” Coalie announced. “And she’s packin’ her things. You better hurry!”

David looked to his sister for confirmation.

She nodded frantically in agreement with Coalie. “I’m afraid the silver-tongued scoundrel will talk her into it. That’s why I came running.”

“By dammit, I’ll kill him!” David grabbed his suit coat.

“I hope you do,” Mary fervently added. Liam Kincaid deserved to die. If he hadn’t been set on proposing to Tessa, she would not have had to run to David for help. “And I hope I get there in time to see it.” She gathered her skirts in one hand.

“Mary,” David said, “take Coalie and go to the hotel for the night.”

“I planned to stay at your apartment tonight. I thought I’d double with Tessa,” Mary protested.

David fixed his gaze on his younger sister. “Mary…

“Very well.” She recognized the look in his eyes and the tone of voice. “But I’ll expect a full account of what goes on between you and Liam Kincaid!” she shouted as David sprinted for the door. “Punch him in the nose. Break it!” she advised. “It’s too perfect. It makes him too handsome.” She took Coalie by the hand. “Come on. We’d better go to the hotel and get a room with a good view of the street before they’re all gone.”

She was already visualizing the headlines: “Disgraced Attorney Wins Case and Fatally Wounds Surprise Witness.”

* * *

“Where is he?” David demanded. He flung open the front door with enough force to shatter the windowpanes.

“Liam?” Tessa hurried from her bedroom at the sound of David’s voice.

“Yes, Liam. Who else?” David stalked into Tessa’s bedroom and surveyed it with a jealous eye.

“He’s gone.” She spoke from behind him.


“How should I know?” Tessa snapped. “I’m not his keeper.”

“Really? I heard you were about to become his wife.”

“Who told you that?” Tessa demanded.

“Who didn’t?” David countered, turning to face her. “By now the whole damn town must know.”

Tessa thought of the newspaper headlines for the past two days. She couldn’t read them, but she could see the big black letters. And she didn’t have to be able to read to know the scandalous things they’d printed.

“Well, they’ll know soon enough anyway,” Tessa replied.

“You’re not seriously considering marrying Lee.” David ran his fingers through his hair. “Are you?” She didn’t seem bothered by the idea that the whole town would soon know Lee Kincaid had proposed.

Tessa couldn’t seem to control the urge to spur David on. “I could do worse.” She stared pointedly at David. Ask me, dammit, ask me.

“Two days ago you hated the sight of him,” David reminded her.

“I’ve changed my mind,” Tessa replied. “Now I think he’ll make a fine husband.” For someone else. Not for her. She’d realized he hadn’t meant his proposal any more than she meant to consider it.

“The hell he will!” David whirled around and stomped out of the room.

Tessa went back to her packing. She lifted Horace Greeley off the pile of clothes and hugged him. She hated to admit it, but she’d even miss David’s ugly cat.

David. She snorted. He was angry now, but she was willing to bet that in ten minutes he’d be drinking with Lee and celebrating his lucky escape. He was free. He was rid of her. His life would return to normal…