“No, really,” Tessa protested. “You rest. I’ll do it. I’m fine now.” She struggled for composure.

“If you’re sure…” David walked over to his desk and sat down in the big leather chair.

“I’m sure,” Tessa told him. She went to the cupboard and took down the box of tea, two cups and saucers, two spoons and the sugar bowl. David liked his tea hot and sweet. “Where do you keep the whisky?”

“The key’s hanging on a hook above the door,” David answered. “The scotch is locked in my desk drawer.”

Seeing her surprised expression, David offered a partial explanation. “I didn’t want Coalie to see the bottle sitting around.”

“I understand,” Tessa said. She located the key and handed it to him.

David debated for a moment longer before telling her the whole truth. “And you were here.” He stared down at his desk. “I didn’t want to be tempted to drink myself into a stupor every night,” he admitted.

“But, David, I don’t mind if you drink as long as it makes you…you know…” She couldn’t put her thoughts, into words. She busied herself carrying the cups and saucers to the table, then going back to the cupboard for the sugar bowl and the box of tea.

“It makes me drunk,” David told her. “That’s all.”

“But what about wanting to make love to a woman all night long?”

“You make me want to do that,” he confessed. “You make me want to make love to you all night long. Not the whisky.” David unlocked the drawer, retrieved the bottle of scotch, and set it on his desk.

“Oh.” Blushing, Tessa spooned tea into the kettle.

David smiled. “Come here.” His voice was deep, husky with emotion.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Tessa recognized the look in his dark eyes. She wanted to. Very much. But not tonight. Not with her hearing a day away. She wasn’t going to add to David’s burdens. She’d thought about it a lot since the night they’d made love. David was right. What if there was a child? His child?

“Why not?” He whirled the chair halfway around.

“Your shoulder.”

David extended the bottle of whisky. “Fill half my tea cup with this and pretty soon I’ll forget all about my shoulder.”

She reached for the bottle.

David reached for her. He clasped her wrist and pulled her toward him.


“All I want is a kiss,” he coaxed. “Just one kiss to ease the pain.” He couldn’t control the urge. He’d been thinking about kissing her ever since Lee had teased him. At the moment he couldn’t think of anything else. He wanted to feel her lips against his, feel their breath mingle. He wanted to take her in his arms and make love to her, but since he couldn’t do that, he wanted to kiss her.

She leaned forward and met him halfway.

He nibbled at her lower lip, then soothed the tiny bites with his tongue. He licked the seam of her lips to gain entry. Tessa parted her lips. Her tongue met his. David foraged. He used his tongue to rake the inside of her mouth, her tongue, and the slick-hard surface of her teeth. David stroked her, his tongue recreating the intimate act, reminding her, making her remember all they’d shared. Passion took flame. Tessa whimpered with need as he deepened the kiss, crushing her to him. She kissed him back, meeting him thrust for thrust. Searching, seeking the source of her pleasure.

David spread his legs. Tessa stepped into the opening. He placed one arm on her hip, exerting just enough pressure to push her down onto his leg. She sat in his lap, bracing herself against his shoulders. He cradled her like a child while he kissed her like a lover.

Aching with the

need to mold her breasts against his chest, Tessa wrapped her arms around his back, kneading him like a cat. He left her lips and moved to kiss her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose, the slender column of her neck. She tilted her head back, welcoming his sensual exploration.

His kisses grew wilder, deeper, more passionate. Tessa gripped his shoulders and held on.

David groaned in pain, then tore his mouth away from hers, gasping for breath.

Realizing she’d hurt him, Tessa let go.

David throbbed. All over. The pain of his arousal surpassed even the pain of his bruised shoulder. He gazed at Tessa. Her fiery red hair hung loose about her shoulders. Her blue eyes were dark with passion, her mouth swollen and red from his kisses, the firm line of her jaw showing signs of whisker burn. She’d never looked more desirable. He’d never wanted her more.