Page 38 of The Misfit

Chapter Twenty-One



AS SOON AS I FELT HER moan against my lips, I was done for.

It had been hard enough to keep my hands off of her before, but as soon as I saw her walk into my room, any chance I might have had of keeping her away was gone. I should have told her to leave, told her to turn her ass around and walk out of there, but there was no way I was doing it. I needed her. I wanted her. I craved her. And now, kissing her hard in the shower, our tongues tangling together as she bucked her hips to grind back against me, I knew it had been a futile attempt even pretending.

Her mouth was eager and hungry, her lips soft and starved for mine, and I had to be inside of her. I had needed it from the second I saw her that morning, when I knew I wouldn’t be able to relax until we could be alone together. If someone caught me with the woman the boss had all but decided was his, there would be hell to pay. And even still, knowing that, knowing I could stop this and send her out of the shower if I wanted to, I couldn’t do it.

My cock was nestled against the crease of her thigh, and the way she was moving against me, I knew she wanted to feel me inside of her. I took my dick into my hand and planted it at the entrance of her pussy, and slowly pushed myself inside of her.

Her pussy felt incredible around me, but not as incredible as the sound of her deep, helpless moan of pleasure as I filled her. I wanted to make her come, and I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until she did. Nothing was going to get her out of my system, but I could pretend this would work for now.

I pushed my tongue into her mouth again as I fucked her, thrusting deep inside of her and filling her completely. She cried out, and I reached up to cover her mouth, making sure she wasn’t going to alert anyone else to what was happening in here. I hoped the rush of the water was going to be enough to cover us up, but I couldn’t be sure of that, and I knew the punishment we’d both suffer if this got out would be more than either of us could handle.

But still, I grasped her hips and fucked her hard and deep, needing to feel every inch of her around me. It was as good as I remembered, maybe even better, the danger of it making it even hotter than it had been before. I slammed into her, filling her, feeling her body start to soften with each and every movement, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold off much longer. Her touch, her caress, the way she kissed me – my body was already responding, and I wasn’t sure I could take much more.

My cock was starting to throb as I got closer to the edge, and I pulled back a little so I could look into her eyes. Hot damn, she was beautiful – her lips were slightly parted, a small furrow in her brow as she tried to make sense of the feelings we were sharing. I pressed my forehead to hers and closed my eyes, letting the feeling get the better of me. This woman – there was something about her, something I couldn’t deny, something I didn’t want to, even if I could. I needed her. I wanted her. Everything about her...

Finally, I felt myself tip over the edge and into my release, my cock twitching as I filled her with my seed. She groaned, and I felt her body sag against mine as she came, contracting against me. I couldn’t take this. To feel so close to her, and to know that, so soon, we’d have to go back to pretending we hardly knew who the other was too much for me. I couldn’t keep going like this. I couldn’t.

Slowly, I withdrew from her and planted her back on her feet. The water was still cascading over us, blurring the lines between the two of us completely. I didn’t want this to end, but we didn’t have a choice. We needed to put a stop to this. Because if we were caught, there would be hell to pay, and I refused to allow her to be pulled into this any further than she already was.

She slipped out of the shower and got dressed again, and, when I emerged into the bedroom, she was perched on the end of my bed.

“You should go,” I told her as firmly as I could. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I had the right to talk like that to her when we’d just had sex – I should have turned her around and walked her right the fuck on out of there as soon as she arrived, but I hadn’t, I couldn’t.

Denying myself the pleasure of her touch was more than I had it in me to do, and I was sure it was going to land me in more trouble than I was capable of handling. Fuck it – I could take it, I knew I could. I could handle whatever they threw at me. As long as it meant I could be close to her, I would find a way around it.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she replied, and I could tell there wasn’t a point in arguing with her. She had made her mind up, and I wasn’t going to be the one to convince her of anything different. I sighed, sat down next to her.

“If someone catches you in here with me—”

“You should have kicked me out when I got here, then,” she replied, levelling her gaze at me, daring me to contradict her. She was right. I had no business telling her what she should or shouldn’t do, not when I was acting like I was. I needed to get myself in hand. I needed to remind myself what I was doing here.

“I know,” I muttered. She pressed her leg to mine gently; even that touch was enough to make my skin prickle with want for her again. How the hell was I going to be able to keep myself from grabbing her and fucking her at every turn, when she made me feel as good as this?

“What happens now?” she asked me. Her voice was tinged with nerves, the first time I’d heard her sound anything other than utterly confident in herself since we had met.

“Well, first, you tell me what the hell you’re doing here,” I replied. I was still trying to work it out – Arnold had talked some shit about the Vogons kidnapping her and them getting her to safety, but something about it didn’t scan to me. I was sure there was something I was missing, and I wasn’t going to stop until I got to the bottom of it.

She sighed.

“Yeah, whatever Arnold told you, that’s not how it worked,” she explained. “I was at the hotel room when those two guys – the Vogons, I think – came in and they were looking for you.”

I winced. I was pissed I had left her there alone when I should have been looking out for her. She had come to that city with me, after all, and I had just dumped her to deal with my mess? It didn’t seem fair.

“And then they called up Arnold and spoke to him,” she continued. “And it sounded very much like they were working together.”

“Working together?” I repeated after her, shocked. I doubted any Vogon would want anything to do with Arnold and his gang, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe he’d found a couple of them to work for him and make sure he didn’t let anything slip through his fingers.

“Yeah, that’s what it sounded like,” she replied, shaking her head grimly. “I got the feeling they were used to communicating like that.”

“Why did Arnold take such a liking to you?” I wondered. I didn’t know why he had decided to get her, of all people, out of the mess she was in and back here, but he had. What for? Why? It didn’t make much sense, and I wasn’t sure I was going to have much luck figuring it out.

She fell silent, as though she wasn’t sure she wanted to give me the answer to that question. She took a deep breath, and she was about to spill something to me – right before we heard a knock on the door, and her eyes widened like they were about to fall out of her damn skull.