“I told him I wouldn’t say anything.”

There was a noise outside the room. A door slammed, then a hulking man appeared in the doorway. He was tall and buff and had dark hair held back in a low ponytail. There was something menacing in his black eyes that made a shiver rush up her spine.

“El Diablo.” He glanced at her then focused back on him. “Priest is MIA.”

“I thought he was with Killian.”

“Was. He’s going to blaze a path to hell until he gets the girl back,” he said. “I can’t have a loose cannon who can’t follow simple fucking rules. Get her in the car.”

As soon as he left, El Diablo reached into his jacket and pulled out a cell phone. “Where are you, Gabriel? Bring the car around. Boss has another assignment for you.”

“Who was that guy?”

“My brother-in-law.”

He pointed to the door, motioning for Cleo to walk out. The main house was huge and luxurious. A massive chandelier hung in the grand foyer. She was so busy taking in the surroundings that she almost walked into a statue, hugging it to keep it from toppling over.

“Sorry,” she kept mumbling.

“Turn to the left,” El Diablo said.

Cleo did as told, stepping out onto the front entry of the house. A black car was idling in the front in the darkness.

“That’s your ride,” he said.

“Where am I going?”

“We’re not monsters. Remember that.”

That didn’t help at all. Couldn’t anyone answer a freaking question? She was forced to get into the back of the car with the heavily tinted windows. Why was she still alive? Did they just need her to entrap Priest? How did these cops know so much about him? Were they even cops at all?

The car began to drive.

“Where are we going?”

There was one guy driving. Was this Gabriel? She could reach behind him and strangle him or hit him on the head. But she suspected he was as fierce as the others so put all thoughts out of her mind.

“Your boyfriend is being a real pain in the ass.”

“That doesn’t answer my question. And he’s not my boyfriend.”

“Okay.” He sounded way too sarcastic, and she was the queen of sarcasm.

“What do you mean?”

“That asshole’s been breaking the rules left and right because of you. Men like Priest don’t even bend. You’re his girlfriend.”

“Where are you taking me? Is Priest safe?”

“Priest can take care of himself. Maybe too well. There’s going to be a lot of blood spilled tonight.”

Maybe she should just keep her mouth shut. She wasn’t getting any real answers, and everything he told her made her more afraid of her fate. It surprised her that Priest was supposedly breaking protocol because of her. She was no one. And she knew she drove him crazy because he liked his peace and quiet. If anything, he should want her gone.

But, deep down, part of her heart fluttered, thinking he cared.