In a built-up neighborhood, there were more obstructions.

“Call Boss. Tell him what shit is about to go down,” Priest said. They were going to need the Killer of Kings’ clean-up crew after this.

Tension filled his body.

He didn’t want to risk Cleo, and doing this went against everything he believed.

“When I let go, ease up and flick your hair. That is all I want you to do,” Priest said.

“Yo, Boss, it’s Harb. We’ve got a situation.”

Cleo sat up and flicked her hair, and Priest kept an eye on the car behind. With the way the wing mirrors had been positioned, it helped him to see, even from the back, and that was when he caught the glint of a gun.

“Get down.”

“Holy shit!” This came from Harb, who suddenly began to veer the car left then right, making sure the shooter didn’t have a direct line of sight of the car or of Cleo. “Got to go, Boss. Start shooting, Priest. What the fuck are you waiting for?”

They tried to brace themselves as the car weaved, jerking erratically to avoid being hit. Priest pushed back the lever for the sunroof, released the lock, and shoved it open with a bang. Standing up, he took aim at the car, hoping to clip the driver.

Gunshots started to rain down on the car, but Priest didn’t allow fear to rule. He fired his gun, shooting one after the other, and he took out the driver. The car suddenly swerved, hitting the brick wall of a house and putting them out of commission.

“We’ve got more incoming,” Harb said.

Priest had already seen the second car that he guessed belonged to the potential shooter back at the garage.

Aiming for the tires, he missed three times, fired a fourth, and then he sat back down in the car.

“We need to get off the main road,” Priest said.

Something didn’t make any sense to him. He and Harb were not the targets, Cleo was. There was a lot of manpower being used up killing one witness. This had to be about the cop Priest had killed. It was coming back to haunt them.


Cleo had been basking in the glow of losing her virginity and well, being considered special by Priest. Being raised by the system left a girl feeling unlovable. She wanted things to work out with Priest more than anything.

No man had ever thought of her as special before.

Or worth their time.

She’d been insulted and humiliated by men, but Priest wanted to claim her for himself. His protective and possessive nature was the ultimate turn-on for her.

“How far away are we?” she asked.

“Just another mile,” Harb said.

They’d ditched the car and walked for the rest of the day. After the excitement of nearly being gunned down, walking was a little anti-climactic. Walking in the ridiculous heat was another story.

Harb and Priest had removed their shirts, while she had taken off Priest’s oversized shirt and tied it around her waist. She wore a tank top, a pair of jeans, and some sneakers. Boss had already been alerted to their new plan, but the safe house was still the goal. The guys kept taking turns to alert the big scary man of their progress.

So much for her excitement.

She was a little afraid.

Not that she’d tell Priest that.

As far as he knew, she was handling everything really well.

Why did she have to care that people were trying to kill her? It was a lot of people. She’d noted that.