“Who are you, anyway?” Harb asked.


“I don’t think it’s escaped your notice that some powerful people want you dead, Cleo. You’re more than just a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Harb tilted his head to the side. “There is something about you that is oddly familiar.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He’d spoken her fears out aloud. Something didn’t make sense to her either.

She was nothing. A nobody. A whole lot of resources had been wasted on her. She grew up in an orphanage, then got stuck in the foster care system, which wasn’t any better. A lifetime of being unwanted. When she saw those videos that showed puppies in pounds with people walking by and not showing any attention to one particular puppy, that was how she’d felt all her life.

No one wanted her, but it didn’t diminish her desire to be chosen, to really matter to someone.

But why were they wasting so many precious resources on her?

Harb frowned. ‘But you do know what I’m talking about, don’t you? You’re afraid.”

She glanced toward the screen at Priest. “None of it makes any sense to me. All I did was … I heard Priest kill a guy. That’s it.”

“There’s more to you than that, Cleo. They’re professional, so they’d know Priest did the killing, not you. If anything, they should be gunning for him.”

The door opened, and Priest stepped through.

She didn’t rush to him like she wanted to or show panic. The doors shut behind him with the same speed. They were all sealed inside this place.

“What’s going on?” Priest asked, looking between them.

“Nothing. Just waiting for you to get here. I’m going to check out the place. Find my room. The usual shit. We’re going to be here for a while.” Harb winked, clicked his tongue, and left.

She looked toward Priest once they were alone. “I have no idea what’s happening right now,” she said.

“That makes two of us.”

She chuckled.

It was uneasy between them. What they’d done last night was intense and perfect, but the day after felt awkward and uncertain. She had so much to say, but her insecurities ran deep. What if was all a mistake? Maybe he’d been disappointed. It wasn’t like she had any experience with men.

He stood there in his tactical pants, holster, and nothing else. She wanted him to fuck her right there and then. All those glistening muscles were calling to her, making her practically drool.

“I better go and find a room,” she said. She didn’t want to impose herself on him any longer than necessary, and after nearly being shot at, she needed time to think. Cleo was a mess in every way right now.

Priest didn’t make any move to stop her, and she didn’t know if she was relieved by that, or more heartbroken that he didn’t care to stop her.

She had no bags. No belongings. Just the sweaty clothes on her back.

Cleo followed the directions, heading toward the main room, which had an arrow pointing straight ahead. Once she got there, she saw the space was huge and didn’t resemble a chemical factory at all. There were signs for the bedrooms, and she took off.

Harb had taken the first room, which she saw as the door was already open.

She went straight to the bottom of the corridor and turned the knob, letting herself into the room. Cleo had no clue which room was supposed to be hers, theirs, or what. Was she supposed to share with Priest? Did Boss realize they were together? Were they together?

All the uncertainties in her life were getting to her.

The room was large. Bigger than her apartment. It had a California king, and she could envision her body entwined with Priest’s on those comforters, but she shook the thoughts away.

She stepped inside and found the closet had extra clothes already inside. Another door led her to the en-suite bathroom with a modern oversized shower and stand-alone tub. Still no windows. She hadn’t seen any since entering this safe house.

She was surrounded by luxury.

Why would Boss send them here? How long were they expected to stay?