Chapter Twelve

“And you still didn’t get him to talk?” Viko asked, pointing at the ground that was soaked in blood.

“Do you think you could have done a better job?” Boss asked.

“I’d have gotten information out of him without killing him. He never should have been taken out of the chains.”

Priest didn’t have time to hear the petty squabble between his own boss and that of the leader of the Circles of Monsters. He wanted to get back to Cleo. He’d left her with Harb, Bain, and a couple of others from Killer of Kings while he dealt with this current soldier. Boss had gone to town on him, but it had ended in disaster as the man had swallowed something that had caused his body to … explode.

They had no choice but to duck for cover. Blood was everywhere.

Running a hand down his face, he felt really fucking tired all of a sudden. The threat to Cleo’s life was still there with no way to resolve it.

Her father was a member of the Circle of Monsters, which meant she was always going to live with a price on her head.

Like himself, Target had gained a reputation over the years, one that wasn’t going to end well if he wasn’t careful.

“You’re full of bullshit answers, Viko. So why don’t you do us all a favor and fuck off?” Boss never lost his temper. He was the perfect epitome of calm. He wasn’t calm now.

Viko glared, and Priest wanted to kill him now, but to do so would unleash a war nobody wanted. There was no getting away from that. It angered him.

He was tied. So was Boss.

He had no doubt Boss wanted to kill Viko. The Circle of Monsters was a pain in all of their asses, but there were times they did good deeds, which only served to piss Priest off more. It was how he felt about Target. That fucker had taken his revenge from him, and he was annoyed and frustrated because Target had simply gotten there first. Priest hadn’t been able to take out the bad guys, Target had.

That was all.

“I would love to fuck off out of this shit hole you call a life, Boss, but we had a deal, remember?”

Boss’s hands clenched into fists. “I provided my end of the deal, fucker. Now it’s your turn to deal with the rest. It’s not my fault it became a bloodbath.”

Priest wasn’t exactly sure what kind of deals Boss was making with Viko, but it would explain his sucky attitude.

Viko and Boss looked at him.

“What?” Priest asked.

“Target would like a word with you, and then, he’d like a moment with his daughter.”

“How do I know he won’t kill her? Harm her?”

Viko tilted his head back and his lips moved. “No wonder you bastards never get anything done. You’re so fucking stupid, you have your heads up your asses. Why would Target hurt his own daughter, you fucking imbecile?”

“He put her in foster care! That doesn’t strike me as someone who fucking cares.”

“She was in there because he cared enough to do that.” Viko shook his head. “I don’t know what it is about you people.” He tutted. “Allowing shooters to get blown up before you get the decent amount of information. Amateurs.”

Viko and Boss were going to come to blows soon, and Priest didn’t want to be there for that to happen. There would definitely be a bloodbath if more people got involved, and right now, he just wanted to go to Cleo. To put this rift that seemed to be dividing them right.

It wasn’t her fault about her father, and if truth be known, it also wasn’t Target’s fault. Leaving the room, he made his way upstairs, only to come to a stop when he saw Target standing there with his arms folded, waiting for him.

“Hello, Priest,” Target said.

For a split second, Priest wanted to smash his fist into the man’s face, but he held himself back. There was no point in allowing this moment to escalate. It wouldn’t do either of them any good.

“Target,” he said. His gun was in his waistband. It would be so easy for him to get it, aim, and shoot, but he didn’t reach for it.

The temptation was strong. So fucking strong, but he couldn’t do that to Cleo.