“What do you mean? This is your decision.”

“Actually, I was kind of hoping that you’d tell me what you’d like me to do. Not that I’m afraid or anything.” Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “I mean, he hurt you. He took your revenge from you. I care about you, Priest, and I don’t want to—”

He couldn’t let her continue so he, covered her lips with his own, silencing her. When she finally had an opportunity to meet her father, she was more worried about what he’d think than meeting the man she’d been curious about her whole life.

How could he not love this woman?

She was so fucking selfless, and he was the biggest fucking asshole around. He didn’t deserve her, and he realized that now.


Cleo wanted to meet her father, but she also didn’t want to do anything that would upset Priest. She loved that man with all her heart. She’d lived without her dad all her life. She was more than happy to continue doing so.

When Priest took her toward one of the empty rooms, she saw the man who had been standing in that room not too long ago, before bullets rained down on them.

Priest cleared his throat and said he’d be outside. She didn’t want him to go far.

“Hello, Cleo,” the man said.

Her father.

A stranger.

She finally got to hear his voice.

“So, it is true? You’re my dad?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m your father.”

“Wow, you know, you prepare yourself for this moment. I mean, I was in the foster homes for a long time, and some of the kids would imagine the moment their parents came back for them. I didn’t know if you were alive or dead, but here you are, alive, and we could have been together. But you kill people for a living, and I guess that really kind of sucks to be you.” She was rambling, but she couldn’t stop. “And now, I don’t even know where I fit in. I’m an orphan with a dad. Do I even have a mom?” she asked.

“No, I’m afraid not. Your mother passed not long after you were born.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, right. Yes, okay. That is…” She was heartbroken, but she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. All of this was truly heartbreaking.

As a little girl, she imagined her father coming to her, saying that he’d been hunting her down, trying to find her, but the truth was, he’d been the one to place her in care.

“Look, I know you don’t understand.”

“Oh, I do. Trust me, I do. It’s why I’m still standing here. You see, I always hoped that it was a mistake. That you didn’t know I was in foster care, but you placed me there. Was it because you didn’t want me?” Cleo asked.

“No, it’s not. I had to do whatever I could to protect you. To give you a chance at a normal life.”

Tears started to fall, but she didn’t make any noise as they traced down her cheeks. “That’s what I’m finding so hard. I’m … a target anyway.” She forced out a laugh. “I’ve thought about this moment so many times as a kid. When I got older, I stopped. I got my head down, worked hard, and did what I could to try to … I don’t even know what I could do. I just got on with my life, and yet, I’m here now.”

“Your life will constantly be in danger, Cleo,” Target said. “I can’t change that. I realize that now. I just want to be a part of your life.”

“You may not be able to change it, but I can,” Boss said.

Cleo looked toward the scary man as he wiped his hands on a cloth. “You have a choice, Cleo. This is a one-time opportunity. I can arrange it so Cleo Bennet is dead. Your body gets found. Arrange for it all to go down, and you’re free and clear to live your life. Away from all of us. Away from Priest, from the Circle of Monsters. You will cease to exist. You’ll have a new identity. A new life. One that you’ve always dreamed about,” Boss said.

“You can do that?”

“I can do anything,” Boss said. “I will allow you to make the decision, Cleo. If you decide to take it, I will not waste a moment in protecting you, but you must know that it means you will never see Target or Priest again. They’re the sacrifices you must make.”

“They … they can’t come and visit me?”

“It would be pointless, Cleo. It would put your life at risk, and that is not what I’m offering you. This is your one and only chance to get out, to be free. To be safe.”