“He didn’t.” Target shook his head. “I had such high hopes for her to meet someone else. Someone with … someone safer. Who didn’t go around taking all the dangerous fucking missions that might render her a widow.”

Priest finally lowered his weapon. “You did this for Cleo.”

“I will always do this for Cleo. The last thing I promised my dying wife as I held her in my arms was that I would do the right thing by our daughter. Cleo was supposed to have a good life. I had no idea she … didn’t. I have fucked up on so many levels, but with you, and now, I won’t fuck up.” He held up the file. “This is for you to give to Cleo. I don’t know if she will ever be able to forgive me or even want me as a dad.” There was a sadness to Target as he held up the file. “I want you to give this to her. I also wanted to warn you. You better take care of my daughter. Protect her. Love her. Be there for her all the time. These missions that you take, where you don’t give a shit about what happens to you, they’ve got to end. All of it. You have my daughter to protect. You make her happy.”

“That’s what this is?”

Target nodded. “In that file, she’ll find everything she needs, including all the information on how to contact me securely if she ever wants to talk.”

“Cleo will want to,” Priest said.

“I hope so. I will always look out for her. Always be there for her. I’ve spoken with Viko, and he understands the situation. He won’t cause any problems.” Target held his hand out to him. Priest had already taken the file from him, and now, he shook hands with his woman’s father.

“I’m going to marry her,” Priest said.

The grip around his gun tensed up.

“That will be fine. If Cleo wishes for me to be there, I’ll be there.”

Priest smiled.

Within ten minutes, he was back in his car, headed back to where his woman was. The file slid into his jacket. It was thick, but he didn’t mind.

Like always, he kept his gaze on the road, watching everything and being suspicious of everyone. Years of being on the road trained you to look for the tiniest of details.

He arrived back at the hotel and got through all the protection protocols. Boss had plenty in place. Only Killer of Kings were allowed free access to this building.

When he made it to his floor, he saw that Boss waited for him outside.

No words were spoken. Priest understood. As did Boss.

Viko had wiped out Olivieri and his network. Boss had found the shooter. It should have been Priest to pull the trigger, but he understood Target’s message. Obviously Boss agreed. Priest needed to start living life rather than risking it at every turn.

They nodded their heads, and Boss walked away while Priest entered the room. This was Boss giving him one last chance to back out. When he went to that hotel room to see Target, or the enemy, this was Boss allowing him a taste of what life he was giving up.

Priest didn’t want it anymore. He would never turn his back on the Killer of Kings, but he wasn’t going to take the missions that put his life in danger. Not anymore.

Cleo sat on the end of the bed, much like her father had, flicking through a magazine. The moment he entered, she gasped, dropped the magazine, and rushed to his side. She threw herself into his arms, and he picked her up, pressing his nose against her neck and breathing in her scent.

She was perfection. All his. He never wanted to give her up. Not ever.

“I was so worried,” Cleo said.

“You don’t need to be. I promise you, I will always come back to you.” He reached into his jacket. “But I have something for you.”

She looked at the file. “What is this?”

“It’s for you.”

Cleo stared at it. “I’m not sure I quite follow.”

“It’s from your father. He … he said it has most if not all the answers you need. Then, if you ever want to contact him, it will be up to you.”

Cleo stared down at the file.

“There is one more thing,” he said.

Priest sank down to one knee and stared up at his beautiful, sweet, talkative woman who it would seem he’d stunned into silence.