Page 58 of Her Four Cowboys

The sound seemed to act like fuel on a fire, and he began to thrust into me harder just as Adam leaned up on his knees, fixing his mouth to my breast this time.

It was too much. It was all just too much, and I couldn’t stay standing in the face of it.

I shattered once again, this time my muscles clenching around Andy as he plunged all the way into me, rubbing my clit hard as he pulsed.

I continued to shake as I felt the warmth of his cum spilling into me and down my thighs, his cock barely holding in a flood as he pulled me up to his chest, pressing his lips to my neck and then my lips.

He only let me go when I’d stopped shaking, and I turned back to look at Adam, who was still on his knees, looking up at me as if he were enraptured. I reached down, pulling him to his feet and kissing him, hard, before pulling him to the bed.

I was wracked with pleasure and my body was shaking with exhaustion, but I knew I couldn’t let this night pass without having Adam also. In a strange way, it made sense that the youngest brother, the one who was my oldest friend, who’d loved me when I was least sure of myself, would be the last one I had.

I laid down, pulling him on top of me and feeling him shake as he made sure to support himself in such a way that I wasn’t bearing any of his weight.

I reached down to set him against my entrance, but then I stopped, hesitating as I started to think about it.

Adam reached between us for my hand, weaving his fingers through mine and pinning it to the bed above my head before leaning down to kiss me. “I’m not worried about it, so don’t you worry about it either.”

I sighed, and kissed him as he thrust into me, groaning as I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held him as close to me as I could. I could tell that he was shaking just from the effort of holding himself together.

“I never thought—” he said against my ear, pressing his lips to my neck.

“I know,” I said, pushing him away so that I could look at his beautiful face. “I know.”

He started to move in me, and I felt my heart starting to race again as his chest pressed against mine. I knew he wasn’t going to last long, and despite the fatigue in my muscles, I started to feel the heat pooling in my belly once again.

Seriously? I thought to myself. Three times? I’m never going to top this.

Another hand began to graze down my side, and I gasped at the additional contact, looking up at where Andy lay across the top of the bed.

Without warning, Adam pulled my leg up, hooking it over his shoulder, shortly followed by the other leg. The sudden change in position allowed him to plow all the way into me, reaching new depths as he seemed to hit my womb with each stroke of his cock.

Andy leaned in, pulling my face toward his and pressing his lips to mine in a devouring kiss just as Adam thrust all the way into me. The final climax rippled over me like rain that was both hot and cold, making every muscle shake as I clenched around him.

He followed after me, freezing above me as he thrust in me so hard that I thought he might break me apart. I was still shattering as I felt him lie down on top of me, still inside me as he held in a flood.

Lying in the afterglow of so much pleasure, I looked from Andy to Adam as if through a daze, and for a moment I didn’t give a shit about right or wrong.

“I can’t believe you still keep Rocky Road around,” I said, digging the spoon into the carton of ice cream as the three of us sat in bed together. I was dressed in one of Adam’s big t-shirts, my legs still bare, not having bothered to put underwear back on, and both of the brothers were just in their boxers.

“I have to,” he said, grinning and reaching over with his spoon. “I actually have to keep extra around, since that one comes over all the time to eat it out of my freezer.”

I looked over at Andy, who shrugged shamefacedly. “That’s why I don’t buy it for myself. Because if I did, I’d eat nothing but that.”

“I’d bet you’d taste pretty damn good then.”

For a second, the insecurity seized me, and I looked over at Adam, embarrassed. Adam, though, was lying against the pillows as relaxed as could be as he watched us.

“I think it’s a little late for embarrassment,” he said, leaning forward to kiss me gently. I smiled against his lips, laying my hand against his cheek.