Chapter Fourteen

After breakfast the next day, Duncan took her hand. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

If he hadn’t been smiling, she would have been nervous. He stopped them outside of a door down from their bedroom.

“If there is anything in here you want to change, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I want this to be perfect for you.”

He swung open the door, and she stood in total disbelief. Her gaze went from one thing to the next, and to the next, but everything was so overwhelming she stood there mute.

“Baby, this is your room.”

She felt emotion start to clog her throat and couldn’t say anything for a moment.

“Hey, do you like it?”

She looked up at him, and she knew he saw the tears fill her eyes, but he must have seen her dismay but also her excitement, so the tears likely didn’t scare him because he smiled.

“Go look around. I’m not even sure what all they bought.”

She cleared her throat and nodded before she stepped into a room she’d only dreamed about but thought she’d never have. Her fingertips skimmed over all the books and little knickknacks on the bookshelves before moving on to an enormous dollhouse, a basket of stuffed animals, and dolls. There was a daybed with a white lacy cover and pillows, and the walls were the prettiest pink she’d ever seen.

She turned to see Duncan leaning by the door with his hands in his pockets and knew right then she loved him more than she’d ever love anyone else in her life.

She raced toward him and wasn’t surprised when he caught her up in his arms when she jumped for him. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and her arms went around his neck. She pressed kisses all over his face and murmured thank you several times.

She loved how he chuckled and held her tightly against his chest.

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“I had help from your friends. I wanted this to be ready if you decided to come home with me, so while I was looking for you, our friends set up the room.”

“You’ve got some good friends, don’t you?”

He gripped the back of her head. “Correction, we’ve got some good friends. They did this more for you than me, sweetheart.”

She blinked back the tears and hugged him tightly for a moment. “Hey, Daddy?” she said and leaned back to see his face.


“The girls told me when they got their rooms, they had to christen them.”

Duncan grinned. “Oh, really. How did they do that?”

“They … you know … had sex in it.” God, she could feel the heat of the blush that covered her face.

“Oh. Is that what you want?”

She knew he was teasing her but still got frustrated. “So … what do you think?”

He grabbed a chunk of hair at the back of her head to hold her steady. “I think that whenever my little wants her daddy, she comes to him and tells him. I don’t care what I’m doing.”

The thought of touching him whenever she wanted made her feel like she’d won a lottery or something. “Hey, Daddy?”

He grinned. “Yes, baby.”

“I want you to fuck me right here and right now.”

He chuckled and walked over to the daybed to lay her down. She giggled when he stripped her quickly and then himself. He pulled a condom from his pocket before he dropped his pants on the floor.