“Now. I think that’s the only way I’ll feel like things are settled between us.”

She pressed her hands together. “Please be sure because I’ll never let you divorce me, Duncan.”

He walked to her and pulled her into his arms. “I’m more than sure.” He held her tightly against him. Then he tilted her head up and lowered his before he kissed her.

She put all her energy and love into the kiss, telling him without words how much he meant to her.

He lifted his head. “Go pack a bag while I call the airlines to get us seats on the next flight out.”

“I already have a bag packed.”

“Another one. If I see the first one, it will remind me of earlier, and I want to forget that.”

“I’ll get another bag.”

“Put your prettiest dress in there. I want to try to find one that is more like a wedding gown, but if we don’t, that will be our one to fall back on.”


“I’ll be right up to pack mine.”

She nodded, turned, and raced out of the room and up the stairs.

When he walked into the room, she was folding a dress.

“I got us on a flight that leaves in two hours, so we have to hustle.”

“That soon?”

“The sooner, the better, sweetheart.”

They rushed through the packing and were on the road to the airport within ten minutes.

She was tired when they finally made it on the plane and into their seats. They sat side by side in first class, and he held her hand the whole time.

“Are you ready to become Mrs. Gregor?”

She smiled up at him. “I very much want to have that name.”

“Good, because we’ll be married tonight before midnight.”

She giggled. At the moment, she wanted that more than anything. A few hours earlier, she thought she’d lost it all, but now she’d gained more than she dreamed she ever would.