Chapter Five


My eyes are fuzzy and my head’s freaking spinning right now. “Girl, where are the meds? My head is killing m—” I don’t get the rest out because the urge to vomit hits me full force and I dash to our bathroom, losing my booze dinner.

“Damn it, baby. I didn’t get here fast enough. Here is the water and Tylenol.” Oh, hell. I wish the toilet bowl could swallow me whole right now.

“Could you give me a minute?” I choke out.

“I’ll be right outside the door.” He steps out and I move to lock it, but I see he’s got his foot in the way. “Don’t dare think of locking me out, Lara. You’re sick.” As soon as he says that, my stomach agrees and I let out another disgusting round.

“Lord, I’m never drinking again.” He chuckles, but I don’t have the strength to tell him off so I give him the middle finger.

“Just say your empty promises and get it out, so you can take your meds and rest.”

“Bossy much?”

“Your safety is my priority, Lara.” I roll my eyes and then let my spinning head settle on the toilet that I’m grateful we scrubbed before leaving yesterday because we spilled some makeup on it. Finally, I muster the will to stand, looking like a newborn giraffe. I step to the sink and wash out my mouth and scrub my face before I take the bottle of pills that he so kindly opened for me. I take two and drink half a glass of water.

“Are you happy?” I hiss, opening the door.

“I’d be happier if you weren’t hungover at all, but be that as it may, I’m here to care for you.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need a nurse.”

“You need a damn spanking, but you’re not well enough for that.”

“Where is Kelly?” I ask when I notice she’s no longer in the room.

“She went with Danny to go get you some greasy food. It will help.”

“What are you doing here, Mr. Black?”

“Call me Landon, and I thought I made my intentions clear last night.”

“You mean where you left me to go deal with two women probably fighting over you?”

“Ha. Hardly. They were coked out and fighting over nothing, but that’s not my concern and that’s sure as fuck not why you took off. I know I came on strong and that’s because I’m serious, but I want to know something, Lara.”


“Are you going to pretend that there’s nothing between us?”

“I didn’t say there wasn’t anything between us. I just don’t want to be your flavor of the month.”

“You’re my everlasting flavor, sweetheart. I’ll prove it to you in time, but for now, I want you to rest.” He looks around the room, and a frown comes over his face. “Fuck.”

“What is it?”

“You’re a freshman.”

“I am. I thought you would have figured that out before you came here, but I guess not. Like I said, I walked out last night. You have no obligation to stay now.”

“Oh, I’m obliged to stay, Lara. Eighteen or not… Please tell me you are at least eighteen.”

“I am, and how old are you, Mr. Black? You’re extremely successful and uber wealthy, but you don’t look old.”

“I’m twenty-eight. I hit it big when I was a teenager, getting lucky with some tech and I made millions.”