“We’re having homemade pot pies.” My mouth waters immediately.

“Oh wow. That sounds fabulous. I can’t wait for that. Is there anything you need me to help you with?”

A beaming smile crosses my mother’s face that I’m going to miss when I move away. “Sure. I’d love that. We’re not going to get much time together before you leave and spread your wings. How about you wash these vegetables, and I’ll start working on the dough.”

As much as I don’t like doing this on the regular, I enjoy spending time with my mom. She’s been my best friend even though I’ve given her a pretty hard time when I misbehave.

“Mom, I know I’ve been in trouble a couple of times over the years, and I’m sorry about that.”

“A couple of times?” She purses her lips with a look of total bullshit on her face.

“Okay, but it’s never been anything serious.” I can’t help that this town has been boring to me to the point that I’ve actively tried to get in trouble. Granted, never enough to get me more than a spanking here and there—or grounded, which was so much worse than a butt whooping. Dang, I prefer a tanning instead of being forced to muck stalls for three weeks while being locked in my room for weeks on end.

“That doesn’t mean I won’t be concerned.” She has a fair point, but it doesn't mean anything because all parents are the same.

“Is a mother ever not worried about her kids?” I don’t know a mother that doesn’t fret over her children especially the girls because of men like David. Not all women my age would say no to him; in fact, I’m surprised he’s wasting his time with me when there are probably a thousand girls in town that would fall at his feet to be with him. Hell, maybe he’s already been there, done that.

“That is the absolute truth.” She nods with a smile. “We always worry about our babies no matter how old they are.”

“I love you, Mom. I’m going to miss you so much, but I promise to call often.” I throw my arms around her neck and give her a kiss on her flour-covered cheek.

She gives me a side squeeze before getting back to finishing the prep work. Then, we set the pies inside the oven and clean up our mess. We’re just about to sit down and have some coffee when my father comes in, placing his Stetson down and pulling my mother in for a kiss. “Hello, my beautiful ladies.”

“Hello, Daddy.”

“Hello, cowboy,” she calls out to him with a smile meant only for his eyes.

I look at them and see their happiness and want a love like that for my own. “Goodness, get a room.” I roll my eyes and scoff playfully, knowing that it only makes them kiss even more. Nothing will stop them because they love each other, and that’s the way it should be.


“It’s move-in day. Are you excited?” my brother asks, calling from training camp during one of his breaks, which are few and far between as preseason starts this week.

“Yes, I’m so excited and insanely nervous. There are so many people everywhere. Why didn’t you tell me there’s a bazillion people in the city?” I exclaim. It’s not like I haven’t been here before, but somehow I just thought it had to do with the football crowds. Maybe it’s my anxiety of being left to my own devices.

“There aren’t that many Chicagoans. Relax, sis. You’ll be just fine living in your fancy dorm room with your first roommate.” Yes, that’s a whole new experience I’m not sure I’m ready for.

“Thanks. She’s not here yet.” We spoke briefly on the phone the other day once we got our room assignments just to see what we were bringing. The room was fully furnished and hooked up before we arrived, so we only needed to bring our clothes, toiletries, and a few things that we would need for comfort.

My parents want me to get what I need while I’m here because it would be easier, so I’ll be doing some Amazon deliveries over the next two days once I get settled. I have my bedding, but that’s pretty much it.

“Well, I’ll check in with you later in the week,” Toby says, reassuring me that he’s close.

“Okay. I have to finish unpacking.” I don’t want him to think I can’t handle things on my own because he’ll tell my parents.

“Where’s Mom and Dad?”

“They’re running down to get some food for us at the local pizza place.”

“Give them my love.” That’s the one thing my brother isn’t shy about admitting and that’s the love he has for my parents and me.

“I will.”

As soon as I hang up, there’s a young girl with brown hair who’s at the door with her suitcases and a nervous grin. Her eyes are bright and wide. “You must be Lara?”

“Kelly?” I ask, smiling at her. She’s cute in her “totally not okay, but they let me out anyway” tee shirt. Immediately, I know we’re going to get along.
