“So do you want to talk about that hot ass Landon Black? His hot bodyguard wouldn’t tell me shit, but damn, they hire the sexiest men ever. Anyway, I digress; when are you going to see him again?”

“I don’t know. We said Tuesday night for dinner.”


“Yeah. He’s an adult with a job, you know. I’m having dinner with my brother tomorrow, so I told him I couldn’t.”

“Did you tell him that you’re going to be going to the home opening Monday Night Football game too? Or did you leave that juicy detail out?”

“I might have. It’s not a big deal anyway. He’s not going to care that my brother is an NFL player anyway. He’s super wealthy too.”

“Honey, I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I’m not talking about the money part. I’m talking about you hanging around a locker room teeming with sweaty, buff men half naked, some actually naked.”

“I don’t go into the locker room. You know my brother would lose his shit. Besides, I don’t want to catch Tobias naked.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” she teases, but I wonder if it’s another buff body she’s interested in.

I roll my eyes at her. “I’m going to attempt to study.” It’s pointless, though. I make it through to about eight at night when my eyes grow heavy.

I don’t know what time it is when I wake up with my face plastered to my book. I lift my head and swipe the drool off my mouth with the back of my hand, and that’s when I hear my phone vibrate.

I reach for my phone under my books and see I have five text messages from Landon.

Hey, beautiful. I hope you’re getting in your studying and not sneaking out.

I’m teasing.

You can call whenever you have time.

I guess you’re busy and I’m coming off pretty fucking pathetic.


Unsure of the time, I shoot one back. Sorry, fell asleep on my books.

Less than thirty seconds later, my phone rings and it’s him. I smile like a fool. “Hello,” I answer with a raspy voice still full of sleep.

“Hello, Lara,” he mutters sleepily, and I feel like a dick for texting. I actually check the time and see it’s three in the morning.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry, Landon. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“No, I wanted to hear your voice and know you’re safe.”

“Still, it’s late, or rather, early. I shouldn’t have called and woken you.”

“It’s okay. It’s not like I’ve slept well since you left. I can smell you on my sheets.”

“Sorry, maybe you can change them.”

“I don’t want to change them. I want you in my arms.”

“That sounds nice,” I sigh. “Maybe Tuesday night.”

“Do you have classes Tuesday?”

“Only half the morning.”

“Good. Get some sleep, Lara. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Goodnight, Landon.” I linger on the line, waiting for him to be the one to end the call.

“Goodnight, my sweet Lara,” he grunts, finally ending the phone call after a few more brief moments of silence.