Chapter Two


Looking at the reports on my desk, I see everything is in order. My life for the past fifteen years has run like a well-oiled machine, and the pain of the past has been put far behind me. My phone rings, and I see it’s my father. Sending it to voicemail, I try not to let that instant irritation settle in my gut. A mistake. Why did I even think for a moment that I could let him into my life?

Hearing several taps on my door frame, I look up from my computer to see my head of operations, Danny Graham, leaning against the door. “Whoa, looks like I came in at the wrong time?”

“No. I’m good. What’s up?”

“We have to do the last rundown for the gathering at your hotel, but do you want to grab lunch first? You look like you could use a break.”

“Sounds good to me. Besides, I want to talk through the Middleton matter over in Fairfax, Virginia. They want a massive setup, and it’s going to be a big project.” I stand up from my seat and stuff my wallet into my pocket, checking my cell one more time before stuffing it into the inside pocket of my jacket. I take my satchel with my laptop.

“They’re wealthy, and their business is booming. Of course they want the best, like Black.”

“And they’ll get it, but it’s a complex project.”

“Well, let’s get some steak and then you can tell me about the call from your father, which you’re pretending to ignore.”

“I’m not pretending to ignore. I am ignoring him because he only wants more money to feed his habits and can ruin my reputation. I refuse to let him ruin my company.”

“Fair point. Let’s go enjoy a meal.”

Four hours later, I’m dressed for the event and I’ve forgotten all about everything but the party. There’s still a lot to go over before we can call it a night, so I enter the main staging area where half my security team are standing and waiting for their assignments.

After I give out their locations for the evening, they ready themselves, which for the most part is a straightforward evening. The only problem is offending the wealthy and making sure to avoid causing a scene while still removing any potential threat, uninvited, or unruly attendees. Everyone moves about while I do a walk-through with Danny.

“Is everything prepared for the party?” I ask, checking off my list on my secure tablet. I’m not referring to the actual food and drink or even the entertainment; that’s what the party planner is for. We handle the security details. It’s my bread and butter, my passion, my life’s blood, the fuel that drives me every day, and it’s how I’ve made my fortune.

It’s a long night for my team, who will be working into the wee hours of the morning with me as we not only prepare for the party and greet the guests, but ensure that everything is safe and secure all evening. As the host, I will be participating in the festivities even if I hate it, but it is the life I lead.

“Yes, security has been briefed, the guest list tight with special markings on invites as always. No one is sneaking in tonight.” Good. I run a multi-billion-dollar a year security firm out of downtown Chicago, and I don’t make mistakes—ever. Although, a lot of my operations come from learning on the opposite side of the law. Years of family on the other side of the bars have made my skills fantastic, and my brilliance only adds to my success.

I’m hosting a fundraiser for elites to end the summer with a bang while looking like generous citizens to the press. Even though there are no cameras allowed inside, photographers take images in the lobby, and the profits will be announced in the morning.

These elites drink and find little fuck bunnies and sugar daddies while making business or personal deals. It’s a social gathering before many head for the warmth of their islands or beaches on the coasts. I personally enjoy the cold because it matches the man I am inside.

“Let’s make the money and get this night over with. I’m so over these events.” I straighten my cuffs on my expensive suit, knowing that they’ll all be watching me, looking to see what I’m wearing because they’ll want it. Not that they could have the extra protection I keep under my jackets. They’re insulated with a unique bulletproof material.

“Yes, but Black, they are moneymakers beyond belief and if you ever took up the offers, you’d score on some hot pieces of ass as well.”

“I’ll pass. If I was allowed, I’d make sure they were strip searched for the coke they sneak into the bathrooms, but you know these parties wouldn’t be the success they are if I acted on my suspicions.” That’s the nature of the beast. We don’t allow anyone under twenty-one into a party so that all involved know the deal, and that includes all celebrities. This is a grown-folks party, but I’m sure some of these bastards that are coming tonight would like some younger flavor in here. Sick fucks. It’s amazing how many would be in prison if the money didn’t talk. I wanted to put a bullet in several of them myself, but I don’t like getting my hands dirty for no reason.

“The guests have begun to arrive,” Danny says through his earpiece.

“I’m on my way down.” Tugging on my lapels, I prepare myself for the onslaught of praises and gushing while women flirt with me. “Ah, just the man I was hoping to see. Black, how’s it hanging?”

“Hello, Franks,” I say, greeting an investment banker out of Naperville who enjoys these little stolen moments without his wife, who is out with her own lover. He’s always looking for the next piece of ass while trying to rob people blind.

He tilts his head and sighs. “You need to lighten up because you act like a grumpy old fellow twice your age.”

“What did you want to talk about?” I’m not a fan of this asshole at all, but I’m not the one who handled the guest list, and it’s really about raising the money for unfortunate kids, a cause close to my heart.

“I was wondering if you were interested in some land investment opportunities.” I knew it. He wants a hand in my pocket.

“I’m not looking to expand my portfolio at the moment, but you can send information to my assistant.” That’s a true statement because I have enough to do with my security firm and private investments, tying up all my free time and brain power.

His eyes light up. “Speaking of your assistant—is she here tonight?”