“Yes. Why?”

“And it’s always looked this awesome?” I never had anything this wonderful growing up, but my childhood was total shit and the complete opposite of what my life is today.

“Yes. As far as I can remember. I feel like I’m missing something.”

“I’m just curious why you wanted to leave it so badly.”

“My home life was incredible, Landon. Perfect, actually.” I cock my brow at her. “No, really, it was awesome. My school life and friends weren’t that great. I lived in Mayberry meets Green Acres, and I wanted more. It was boring and not the life I wanted. I love my parents and my brother and even some of the people here, but this life isn’t for me.”

“Okay. I just want to make sure I’m not bringing you back to a place you hate.”

“No. I promise. I just don’t want to live here for the rest of my life, but I love seeing my family.”

“Good. I’d hate to fuck anyone up for mistreating you. I love you so much, Lara.”

“I know. I love you too. I promise my parents aren’t the reason I ever wanted to move away from here. They gave me the best childhood I could have ever asked for, even though I never had a sister.”

“Maybe your brother will get married one day.”

“If we get lucky, but I doubt it. Now, let me show you around and then we can get ready for dinner.” My phone rings in my pocket, and I know by the ringer that it’s my father. I send it to voicemail. “You keep sending that call to voicemail. Who is she?”

“She? I thought I made it clear there is no one else.”

“You did, but when you do that all the time, I tend to doubt the truth in those words.”

“It’s my father. Unlike you, love, I didn’t have a great childhood. I don’t want him in my life, and I made the mistake of letting him in once.”

“I’m sorry, Landon. I wish things had been different.”

“Then maybe we would have never met. My family is the reason why I am the way I am. My empire comes from their actions, but I don’t want to talk about it.” A sympathetic expression and sigh come from her, and she hugs me.

“I’m sorry. I’ll drop it for now.” She leads me around the house, and I get the sense that she’s telling me the truth about her childhood. There is a vibe of warmth in every room, and love in every photo on the mantle, end tables, and walls.

“And this is our room.”

“Your parents are going to let us share a room?”

“I didn’t think you’d let them tell us otherwise?”

“As much as I love you, and as much of an asshole as I am, I planned on respecting their wishes.”

“Wow, I won’t tell them that, though.”

“Is this your old bedroom?”


“So you had a thing for the whole Twilight cast?”

“Nope, just the Cullen family.”

“What am I going to do with you?”

“Love me.” She smiles widely, teeth showing. I growl and scoop her up in my arms, kissing her hard.

A quick rap on the door is followed by a deep bellow. “Dinner’s ready.”

“We’re coming,” Lara calls out.