Chapter Fourteen


“This is perfect.” Mom grabs the gown that I just selected out of the eight I have laid out. It was hard for me to decide because they were all beautiful.

“Oh my goodness. I love it. How did you know that’s the one I’d pick?”

She presses it to my chest to see it against me. “Because I know you, sweetheart. Landon’s a great man, by the way. I can’t believe you two are getting married tomorrow.” I take it and look in the mirror. She wipes her eyes with a handkerchief. We decided to have the wedding on the ranch because it’s ideal this time of the year. However, Landon demanded that the security be elevated. My dad agreed only because he knows that Landon takes my safety extremely seriously.

“I know. It’s been a crazy month, hasn’t it?” I remark because we managed to pull it all together so fast. Even Landon’s assistant helped to make it work.

“Does he know about the baby?” I let the gown fall and spin to stare at her.

“The baby?”

“Yes.” She presses her hand to my stomach, and I gasp.

“I’m…not sure I’m pregnant.” Even as I say the words, I doubt them.

“Did you get your period?”

“Um…no.” I think about the last time I had it, which was the first week I was at school. “Oh my goodness. I could be.”

“Are you worried he’s going to be upset?”

“No. Landon’s goal is to knock me up. The man is on a mission to make sure I’m having his baby.”

“And how do you feel about it?”

“I want the same thing.”

“Good, then maybe we should take this.” She pulls a pregnancy test out of the top drawer of my dresser that I had no idea was there.

“Mom,” I gasp.

“What? I’m prepared. I wasn’t sure if you were or not, and I want grandbabies.”

“I know. Let me go do it before I put on my gown.” I take the box and head into the bathroom. I’ve never been so nervous about taking a test before. What if it comes up negative?

I shake as I read the instructions, which are pretty freaking simple. Pee on the stick. I do it and close the cap over it, setting it on the sink while I finish my business and wash my hands. It changes in front of me as the pee travels up the absorption strip, and two lines appear. I’m having a baby. Landon’s baby.

“Girl, are you going to get your butt out here and tell me what it says already?” she asks, knocking on the door, sending the stick into the sink. It flops around the porcelain and a thought comes to my head, and the impish, bad me can’t help myself.

“I accidentally dropped it into the toilet,” I lie, smiling as I wait for her meltdown.

“What?” she screeches. “Let me get you a bottle of water to drink.” I whip open the door with a grin.

“No need.”

“What’s going on in here? We heard shouting.”

“Baby, what’s that?” Landon snatches it out of my hand. “Oh my God. Are you serious?”

“Yes. You’re going to be a daddy.” He picks me up and twirls me around, kissing me hard as hell.

“Enough—you’re going to make her sick.”

“And all of us as well,” Tobias adds.