“I don’t want you in pain or having a setback.”

“Always carrying me around.”

“You’re a feather, my love. God, you feel so good in my arms. I live for holding you.” I regretfully set her down in our bed and then tuck her under the covers before kissing her forehead. “I’d kiss your lips, but they’re a trap.”

“That they are,” she giggles. She reaches out and cups my cock. “So is this.”

“Later,” I growl, standing straight up and keeping my dick out of reach.

“I love you, Landon.”

“I love you too, my everything. Rest. I’ll be back soon. I should be in my office for now.” I head out of the bedroom before I delay any longer. I straighten my shoulders and stiffen my back as I make my way down the hall because I’m not looking forward to whatever Danny has to tell me.

“Okay, take a seat and give me what you got.” I sit behind my desk and wait for the bad news to hit me.

“Here it is.” He hands me a string of messages between my father’s phone and Lara’s former guard.

Don’t kill her. I want him to pay for her safe return.

I can’t stand this bitch. He could have picked someone better.

Did you listen to what I said? I want his money and the rich bastard’s not sharing.

Fine, but you have one day to get this done.

I stare at the messages, wondering what the fuck I ever did to him. If anything, he should be grateful for the generosity I showed him when he didn’t deserve an ounce of it. “Do you have reason to believe he didn’t send these? I didn’t get a ransom note.”

“Well, not really. It’s not like she said anything about a man abducting her, but at the same time, he didn’t have enough time because she escaped right after that last message.”

“Still. Is there more?”

“Yes. I pulled his bank records. He’s been funneling money to them.”

“Damn it. Why?”

“I don’t know. That’s definitely a question you’d have to ask him, but I’m here for whatever you want to do. You know that, right?”

“Yes, Danny. I know. You’re the one man I trust to watch over my woman.”

“And that says a lot. Okay, so we can scoop him up tonight and begin questioning him, or you can play it cool and invite him to the offices tomorrow and learn about his motives.”

“Money is his motivation, but after all that he put me through, you’d think we would have been even.”

“Dig some more. There’s no need to rush. I’m keeping Lara safe here where he can’t get to her.”

“Understood. What about those bitches?”

“I’d say find them and then tip off the police to their whereabouts. I’d like to bury them all in due course.”

We spend the next hour going through more of the information while he continues to dig into my father. There’s just enough of a trail to realize he’s more than likely guilty of all charges.

“If that’s it, I’d like to get back to Lara so she doesn’t freak out.”

“Got it. I’ll be in the office for the next couple of hours, and then I need to check on Kelly.”

“Is there something going on there?”

“No, but she’s Lara’s best friend.”