He nudges his head toward me. “Yeah, we can make it happen, but instead of coming in my hand, I want to come in here.” His hand slides down my body, and he palms my bare pussy. My hips flex, rubbing against him. “Yes,” I groan. My clit is already sensitive, and just the slightest tease of his hand on me has me crazy.

He’s kissing my neck when my phone dings.

We both pull away and stare at each other. “Surely not...” I start.

I don’t finish the sentence, though. I roll toward the nightstand and pick the phone up, opening the messaging app and see a message from Krissy. “We’re on our way back. Thought you’d like to know.” She even included a winky face.

As soon as I see it, I sit up and look at him open-mouthed. “They’re on their way back.”

He reaches for me and pulls me against him. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

I laugh and let him nuzzle my neck and giggle at the feel of his stubble along my cheek. “You’re going to have to.”

I go to get up and almost pull the sheet with me but figure heck with it. He’s seen it all now. I set my phone on the nightstand and go in search of my clothes. He’s watching me move around, and when I look at him fully, he’s sporting a full hard-on.

I smile, bite my lip, and shake my head. “I wish we had more time too.”

I pull on my clothes quickly as he says, “You know we’re not going to keep hiding this. You have to see there’s something here.”

I look around the room, making sure that I haven’t forgotten anything else and see my phone. I reach for it just as Kade’s phone lights up. There’s a message, and the image shows a busty, beautiful blond woman. Before I can think better of it, I read the text. “Tomorrow good for you?”

My stomach drops, and I grip my phone in my hand. I say the first thing that comes to mind, not knowing if it’s true or not. I just know I have to get out of here. “I have to go. Ty’s coming up.”

He reaches for me, but I dodge his hand. “Megan!” he says.

I laugh, but it sounds totally fake. Basically because I’m doing my best to get out of here before I start to cry. I’m so fuckin’ stupid.

“I have to go,” I say again and then all but run from the room into mine. I shut the door firmly behind me, locking it. I swear I hear his footsteps, and I stand quietly, hugging my arms around my body. I’m not ready for any kind of confrontation. He never promised me forever, and we didn’t talk about being exclusive. He’s possessive of me, claiming that he doesn’t share. I choke on the thought because obviously he’s okay with him having multiple girlfriends.

For just a second, I let myself believe that there could be something real between us. I let myself hope that something could really come of it.

I’m a fool, and I should have known better. His freakin’ nickname is Kade “Ladies Man” Lincoln. I mean, that should have told me everything I needed to know. But he fooled me. He played me, but I’m not going to act like it got to me. It was a one-night stand, and I’m going to treat it as such. From now on, I’m going to guard my heart. You’d think I would have learned my lesson after my sham of a marriage.

I grab clean clothes from the suitcase and go to the bathroom. I turn the water as hot as it will go and climb in. Hopefully, when Ty gets back, he won’t hear my sobs. One good cry... and then I’m moving on.

I turn off the water and step out of the tub when I hear Ty call my name. “I’ll be right out, honey.”

I get dressed and step out of the bathroom. “What’s up?”

He sits on the bed and is sulking. Instantly, I’m on high alert. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m bored.”

“Bored?” I exclaim. “How can you be bored? You’ve been here for what, five minutes? Where’s Benny?”

He shakes his head. “He’s pitching tomorrow, and his dad said he can’t swim. I mean, what does that have to do with anything?”

I laugh. “Well, swimming does drain your energy.”

Ty rolls his eyes. “Anyway, Benny said he was going to take a nap because he was having one of his migraines, so, well, here I am.”

An idea sparks to mind. “Get your shoes on.”

He looks up at me skeptically. “I don’t want to go shopping, Mom.”

I tap him on the back, nudging him to get up. “Come on, it’s a surprise.”

He reluctantly stands up. “We going to see if Kade will take us somewhere?”